WoW ActualValue addon Dragonflight/Wrath of the Lich King Classic 2025
wow addon ActualValue


Game Version: 6.0.3
Total Downloads: 1,705
Updated: Dec 26, 2014
Created: Dec 22, 2014
download ActualValueDownload Earlier Versions

Earlier Versions

Name Size Uploaded Game Version Downloads
ActualValue 0.25 release 5.23 KB Dec 26, 2014 6.0.3 1,302 download ActualValue ActualValue 0.25 releaseDownload
ActualValue 0.2 release 5.04 KB Dec 24, 2014 6.0.3 116 download ActualValue ActualValue 0.2 releaseDownload
ActualValue 0.1 release 4.04 KB Dec 23, 2014 6.0.3 82 download ActualValue ActualValue 0.1 releaseDownload
ActualValue Beta 004 beta 2.55 KB Dec 23, 2014 6.0.3 56 download ActualValue ActualValue Beta 004 betaDownload
ActualValue Alpha 001 beta 747 Bytes Dec 22, 2014 6.0.3 79 download ActualValue ActualValue Alpha 001 betaDownload
ActualValue Alpha 003 alpha 2.55 KB Dec 23, 2014 6.0.3 32 download ActualValue ActualValue Alpha 003 alphaDownload
ActualValue Alpha 002 alpha 833 Bytes Dec 23, 2014 6.0.3 38 download ActualValue ActualValue Alpha 002 alphaDownload


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IMPORTANT: If you had a profile in 0.2 and updated to 0.25, make sure to add a 0 to the newly added bonus armor stat (Or its priority) for the addon to continue working

Actual Value Alpha

This is the very basic starting version of Actual Value. As of right now, when you hover over an item in your bags or character, it adds another field to the tool tip with the "Actual Value" listed out.

How does it work?

Well when you're comparing gear to find out if it's better or worse for yourself, you normally would break out the calculator, and multiple each stat of the item by the corresponding stat priority. This Actual Value can then be compared to another item to see which one will benefit your damage more. With ActualValue, it does all the work for you with just hovering over an item!

Use /av or /actualvalue to enter the config!

Once inside of the configuration you'll see a "Default" priority list. Go ahead and enter your prioritys and then change the name of the profile if you'd like. Finally click Save as. Now whenever you want to load that profile just go to the dropdown and select it!

Current Features

  • /av for editing the stat prioritys.
  • Profiles for saving and loading prioritys in game
  • Displays Actual Value based on stat prioritys on every item tooltip.
  • In game GUI for setting stat prioritys.
  • Stats are saved on a per character basis

Planned Features

  • In game GUI for setting stat prioritys
  • Default stat prioritys based on class and spec.
  • Profiles for saving multiple stat prioritys.
  • When comparing items, display the difference in Actual Value under the "If you replace this item" section of the tooltip
  • Taking into account gems and enchants for values.
  • Finding a nice way to calculate on use trinkets.

Change Log

Release 0.25
  • Added Bonus armor as a stat!
  • Make sure you go into your profiles and add a value for bonus armor for the addon to work!
Release 0.2
  • Profiles!!!
  • It will load up with a "Default" profile of just '1's.
  • Users then go in and change the values and set the name of the profile and click save as.
  • Then they can click on the drop down to load any profile!
Release 0.1
  • Displays the current value in the textbox even after logoff.
  • Added /av and /ActualValue as commands (They were there before but didn't open up to the right value).
  • Shrunk the textboxes a bit.
  • Added a description of how to input values.
  • Variables are saved on a per character basis right now until profiels are implemented.
  • When the saved button is clicked changed text to "Saved!" on a successful save.
  • If text is edited changed the save button back to "Save" to dictate saving needing to be done.


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