WoW autoInvite addon Dragonflight/Wrath of the Lich King Classic 2025
wow addon autoInvite


Game Version: 6.2.0
Total Downloads: 33,159
Updated: Jul 10, 2015
Created: May 30, 2008
download autoInviteDownload Earlier Versions

Earlier Versions

Name Size Uploaded Game Version Downloads
v3.08 release 57.67 KB Jul 10, 2015 6.2.0 6,570 download autoInvite v3.08 releaseDownload
v3.06 release 52.07 KB Jan 21, 2015 6.0.3 1,558 download autoInvite v3.06 releaseDownload
v3.05 release 49.13 KB Oct 30, 2014 6.0.3 1,934 download autoInvite v3.05 releaseDownload
v3.04 release 49.04 KB Oct 15, 2014 6.0.2 490 download autoInvite v3.04 releaseDownload
v3.03 release 49.06 KB Dec 4, 2013 5.4.1 2,007 download autoInvite v3.03 releaseDownload
v3.02 release 49.03 KB Aug 24, 2013 5.1.0 909 download autoInvite v3.02 releaseDownload
v3.01 release 49.04 KB Nov 28, 2012 5.1.0 1,812 download autoInvite v3.01 releaseDownload
v3.00 release 48.35 KB Sep 30, 2012 5.0.5 946 download autoInvite v3.00 releaseDownload
v2.12 release 48.36 KB Mar 3, 2012 4.3.0 1,995 download autoInvite v2.12 releaseDownload
2.12 release 48.33 KB Dec 1, 2011 4.3.0 2,248 download autoInvite 2.12 releaseDownload
v2.11 release 48.33 KB Jun 29, 2011 4.2.0 2,941 download autoInvite v2.11 releaseDownload
v2.10 release 48.66 KB May 1, 2011 4.1.0 1,774 download autoInvite v2.10 releaseDownload
v2.09 release 48.62 KB Apr 4, 2011 4.0.6 1,484 download autoInvite v2.09 releaseDownload
v1.98 release 47.89 KB Nov 8, 2010 4.0.1 4,366 download autoInvite v1.98 releaseDownload
v1.97 release 47.33 KB Aug 6, 2009 3.2.0 813 download autoInvite v1.97 releaseDownload
v1.96 release 47.61 KB Jul 4, 2009 3.1.0 95 download autoInvite v1.96 releaseDownload
v1.92 release 47.07 KB Jun 12, 2009 3.1.0 58 download autoInvite v1.92 releaseDownload
v1.90 release 48.28 KB Apr 7, 2009 3.0.9 109 download autoInvite v1.90 releaseDownload
v1.84 release 47.09 KB Feb 8, 2009 3.0.8 94 download autoInvite v1.84 releaseDownload
v1.83 release 45.99 KB Jan 7, 2009 3.0.3 36 download autoInvite v1.83 releaseDownload
v1.80 release 45.53 KB Oct 27, 2008 3.0.2 102 download autoInvite v1.80 releaseDownload
v1.82a beta 45.92 KB Jan 6, 2009 3.0.3 73 download autoInvite v1.82a betaDownload
r20150710163252 alpha 57.60 KB Jul 10, 2015 6.2.0 49 download autoInvite r20150710163252 alphaDownload
r70 alpha 52.04 KB Jan 21, 2015 6.0.3 22 download autoInvite r70 alphaDownload
r68 alpha 49.11 KB Oct 30, 2014 6.0.3 23 download autoInvite r68 alphaDownload
r66 alpha 49.00 KB Oct 15, 2014 6.0.2 31 download autoInvite r66 alphaDownload
r64 alpha 49.03 KB Dec 4, 2013 5.4.1 31 download autoInvite r64 alphaDownload
r62 alpha 49.00 KB Aug 24, 2013 5.1.0 25 download autoInvite r62 alphaDownload
r60 alpha 49.00 KB Nov 28, 2012 5.1.0 31 download autoInvite r60 alphaDownload
r58 alpha 48.31 KB Sep 30, 2012 5.0.5 36 download autoInvite r58 alphaDownload
r55 alpha 48.29 KB Dec 1, 2011 4.3.0 49 download autoInvite r55 alphaDownload
r53 alpha 48.30 KB Jun 29, 2011 4.2.0 46 download autoInvite r53 alphaDownload
r51 alpha 48.63 KB May 1, 2011 4.1.0 63 download autoInvite r51 alphaDownload
r49 alpha 48.58 KB Apr 4, 2011 4.0.6 29 download autoInvite r49 alphaDownload
r48 alpha 48.34 KB Jan 23, 2011 4.0.3a 45 download autoInvite r48 alphaDownload
r46 alpha 47.85 KB Nov 8, 2010 4.0.1 24 download autoInvite r46 alphaDownload
r44 alpha 47.30 KB Aug 6, 2009 3.2.0 24 download autoInvite r44 alphaDownload
r42 alpha 47.54 KB Jul 1, 2009 3.1.0 31 download autoInvite r42 alphaDownload
r41 alpha 47.50 KB Jul 1, 2009 3.1.0 23 download autoInvite r41 alphaDownload
r40 alpha 47.35 KB Jun 25, 2009 3.1.0 29 download autoInvite r40 alphaDownload
r38 alpha 47.03 KB Jun 12, 2009 3.1.0 25 download autoInvite r38 alphaDownload
r36 alpha 47.30 KB Apr 7, 2009 3.0.9 14 download autoInvite r36 alphaDownload
r34 alpha 46.42 KB Jan 31, 2009 3.0.8 51 download autoInvite r34 alphaDownload
r32 alpha 45.35 KB Jan 7, 2009 3.0.3 17 download autoInvite r32 alphaDownload
r29 alpha 45.26 KB Jan 6, 2009 3.0.3 11 download autoInvite r29 alphaDownload
r27 alpha 45.03 KB Oct 27, 2008 3.0.2 16 download autoInvite r27 alphaDownload



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With the help of this mod it is possible to invite a complete group setup with one key-press. I have written this mod to make it possible to invite players from our standard raid group with one click.
Players can be imported via a CSV file and easy copy-and-paste. This CSV lines can be e.g. generated by a website or anything else you use.
The groupsetups can be saved and loaded by the mod, too.
The mod can move the players in the defined groups (I need some help to test this feature).

The main window can be opened with the command /ai show or with the key defined in the Key Bindings menu from WoW.

The first step is to add the player into the complete list. The following steps can be used:
1. Import the player with a CSV list.
2. Activate the mod at the select box and invite the player with /invite, with the friendlist, the gildlist…
3. Select a player and click Add in the GUI or press the button defined under Key Bindings in WoW.
4. Click the button Add without selecting a player before, a popup will appear, enter the name and press accept.
5. Import all players with one click from your guild.

The players are added in the complete list on the right side. The players can be moved with a left click between the complete list and the current group setup. To remove players from the complete list, right click them.

If it is not possible to read detailed information about the players, they are move into the list for druids. If it is possible to read the information, the players are automatically moved in the right table, this can be forced by pressing the Update button.

To invite the players the following steps are possible:
1. Button Group-Invite, a standard group is created.
2. Key defined by Key Bindings, a standard group is created.
3. Button Raid-Invite, group is created as raid group.

It is possible to save the current groupsetup by pressing the button Load-Save. To define the groupsetup it is possible to right click the players in the left tables and define a groupnumber for them.
An other possibilty is to move the player in the raid window from WoW and easily press the Read Group button.
To move the players in the defined groups, press Move Groups. (not working yet)

The color coding in the tables have the following meaning:
Grey = not invited yet
Yellow = invited
Green = joined the group
Red = declined the invitation or is ignoring you
Blue = player is already in a group if activeated (in the GUI) the player would get a wisper to leave the group.

To use CSV import:
The fields are:

For description for the fields have a look at the bottom of the file.


name: name of the player
level: can be 0, the mod will read the level then automatically
inGroup=1 player is in the current group setup and will be invited by the mod, inGroup=0 player is not in the current group setup (only in the complete list)
group='-' no group defined group=1 or group=2 to group=8 number of the group
comment=Comment for the player. Use <br> to split it in several lines

Then open the menu, press Save-Load -> Import CVS -> enter name and copy paste the lines -> import

For phpraider I have written a plugin. It can be found here:
Unpack it and upload it to your phpraider installation (for phpraider 1.0.7).

If you use raidplaner 3.1.0 replace the following file with the file in this archive (for later version it will not necessary anymore):
Now it generates correct CSV files with raidplaner 3.1.0.


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