WoW BAB Auras addon Dragonflight/Wrath of the Lich King Classic 2025
wow addon BAB Auras

BAB Auras

Game Version: 6.0.2
Total Downloads: 1,496
Updated: Oct 15, 2014
Created: Aug 25, 2014
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Earlier Versions

Name Size Uploaded Game Version Downloads
BAB Auras 1.0.2 release 863.97 KB Oct 15, 2014 6.0.2 1,273 download BAB Auras BAB Auras 1.0.2 releaseDownload
BAB Auras 1.0.1 release 870.75 KB Aug 25, 2014 5.4.8 223 download BAB Auras BAB Auras 1.0.1 releaseDownload



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BAB Auras is a new buff/debuffs (auras) display addon that allows you to create aura bars that follow all sorts of paths and curves. Would you like to show you buffs/debuffs in a circle around your minimap? To follow a curve beneath your character frame? How about make a gentle wave at the bottom of the screen? You need only drag the anchor and pivot points to your desired location and the auras will change shape.

Important: You need to download and install the BAB Texture Pack to use BAB Bars.
The texture pack is only updated if new textures are added to the game itself. You don't have to update the texture pack every time a new BAB version is realeased.

Canceling Buffs

With BAB Auras you can cancel buffs as usual. Just right click on them. BUT canceling buffs is restricted to out of combat situations only! You can't cancel buffs in combat. The reason for this is that Blizzard restricts the buff canceling thingi for addons. Sad but true.


As a default BAB Auras replaces the Blizzard standard buff/debuffs and shows 3 new aura bars (Buffs, Debuffs, Enchants) that are identical to the Standard Blizzard buff bars.
Type /babauras to open the configuration mode.
Have a look at the new aura bars (top right, left of the minimap).
There are 4 small 'pivot points'. Two green at the ends of each and two red between them. Click and drag the pivot points to control the aura bars shape. Use the grey bar anchor of each aura bar to drag the full bar around.
Click on "Reset Aura Bar" in the options window to reset the currently selected aura bar (standard size/shape, positioned at the screens center).
Click on "Reset Profile" to rest all bars to their initial state.

Reporting bugs

I do not play WoW actively. I'm only developing addons. That means, if you don't report bugs they will remain forever. 🙂
So … if you're encountering any bugs then please report them! Please report all bugs and problems as detailed as possible. It helps a lot if you provide the ingame error massage with you report. An addon like BugSack is the best way to capture information about errors ingame.

Show your work

I would love to to see what you are doing with this addon. Please feel free to show screenshots of your UI using BAB Bars in the comments or the forum.

Masque support

BAB Auras does support Masque. But it depends on special Masque skins. All Masque skin textures must have a transparent border (at least 1 pixel). BAB Auras comes with some pre-defined adequate skins (you still need to install Masque).


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