WoW BlackListImproved addon Dragonflight/Wrath of the Lich King Classic 2025
wow addon BlackListImproved


Game Version: 2.5.1
Total Downloads: 1,442
Updated: Jul 6, 2021
Created: Jul 6, 2021
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Name Size Uploaded Game Version Downloads
BlackListImproved release 4.18 KB Jul 6, 2021 2.5.1 1,442 download BlackListImproved BlackListImproved releaseDownload



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The addon allows you to add people to the ignore list without any restrictions on the number of entries. You can add a reason for adding to the ignore list for each player. The addon will notify you if someone from the list is in your raid. Also, the addon allows you to block messages from players from the list or simply highlight them in red in all game chats. The ignore list has nothing to do with the in-game list and is saved for the entire account.

To open window enter command “/bli” or “/blacklistimproved”


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