WoW Custom Player Portrait addon Dragonflight/Wrath of the Lich King Classic 2024
wow addon Custom Player Portrait

Custom Player Portrait

Game Version: 6.2.4
Total Downloads: 1,872
Updated: Jul 16, 2016
Created: Jun 20, 2016
download Custom Player PortraitDownload Earlier Versions

Earlier Versions

Name Size Uploaded Game Version Downloads
Custom Player Portrait 1.1 release 9.00 KB Jul 16, 2016 6.2.4 1,632 download Custom Player Portrait Custom Player Portrait 1.1 releaseDownload
Custom Player Portrait 1.0 release 8.71 KB Jun 20, 2016 6.2.4 240 download Custom Player Portrait Custom Player Portrait 1.0 releaseDownload


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Replace your player portrait with custom images.

The selected portrait is saved per character.

To change the portrait:
With the mouse pointer above your player portrait–use the Scroll Wheel to cycle through all the portraits–including the normal portrait.

To edit portraits:
Open the default images in a suitable image editor–replace the black circle with whatever you want to have as your portrait.  Save the image.  Use the command /reload in the game to load the updated images.

Make sure the image is saved in the same format (TGA, 32-bit) and that the area outside of the circle region remains transparent–otherwise you'll end up with a square portrait.

The portrait images are located in the \CustomPlayerPortrait\Portraits folder.

See Usage.txt under \CustomPlayerPortrait\About for more information–and learn how to bump up the number of portraits this AddOn can handle.


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