WoW Def\’s Vendor and Junk Service addon Dragonflight/Wrath of the Lich King Classic 2025
wow addon Def\’s Vendor and Junk Service

Def\’s Vendor and Junk Service

Game Version: 8.0.1
Total Downloads: 11,697
Updated: Dec 8, 2018
Created: May 21, 2015
download Def\’s Vendor and Junk ServiceDownload Earlier Versions

Earlier Versions

Name Size Uploaded Game Version Downloads
80000.1 beta 1059062 Dec 8, 2018 8.0.1 231 download Def\’s Vendor and Junk Service 80000.1 betaDownload
70300.5 beta 23037215 Jul 13, 2018 7.3.5 578 download Def\’s Vendor and Junk Service 70300.5 betaDownload
70300.4 beta 22921871 May 26, 2018 7.3.5 623 download Def\’s Vendor and Junk Service 70300.4 betaDownload
70300.3 beta 22817014 Nov 23, 2017 7.3.0 560 download Def\’s Vendor and Junk Service 70300.3 betaDownload
70300.2 beta 22858957 Sep 5, 2017 7.3.0 475 download Def\’s Vendor and Junk Service 70300.2 betaDownload
70300.1 beta 22848471 Aug 30, 2017 7.3.0 317 download Def\’s Vendor and Junk Service 70300.1 betaDownload
70200.3 beta 22848471 Jul 23, 2017 7.2.5 369 download Def\’s Vendor and Junk Service 70200.3 betaDownload
70200.2 beta 22775071 Apr 17, 2017 7.2.0 445 download Def\’s Vendor and Junk Service 70200.2 betaDownload
70200.1 beta 22670213 Mar 30, 2017 7.2.0 357 download Def\’s Vendor and Junk Service 70200.1 betaDownload
70100.6 beta 22229811 Jan 10, 2017 7.1.0 505 download Def\’s Vendor and Junk Service 70100.6 betaDownload
70100.5 beta 22020096 Jan 7, 2017 7.1.0 203 download Def\’s Vendor and Junk Service 70100.5 betaDownload
70100.4 beta 21590180 Dec 5, 2016 7.1.0 396 download Def\’s Vendor and Junk Service 70100.4 betaDownload
70100.3 beta 21254636 Nov 1, 2016 7.1.0 489 download Def\’s Vendor and Junk Service 70100.3 betaDownload
70100.2 beta 21254636 Oct 26, 2016 7.1.0 379 download Def\’s Vendor and Junk Service 70100.2 betaDownload
70100.1 beta 21244150 Oct 25, 2016 7.1.0 221 download Def\’s Vendor and Junk Service 70100.1 betaDownload


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UPDATE:  This project has been incorporated into "Def's Toolbox."  As such this stand alone project is now abandoned.

One stop merchant addOn.  Repairs, vendors items, deletes items with no sale price if manually added, has a junk/notjunk list that can be manually changed, and can refill quantities from merchants/bank.

Gray items are automatically vended.

There is a whitelist of some items, but potions and bandages below 10 ilevels or 10 levels minimum required are automatically sold.  Foods and drinks below 15 ilevels or 15 levels minimum required are automatically sold.  Please let me know if you find something that needs to be whitelisted.  All garrison specific items like Draenic stone, Ogre Buddy Handbook, and such automatically pull from banks and vendor when a character is in Legion content.

Use "/junk <item link>" to toggle manually vending or nor vending an item.  To insert the <item link> just shift click the item on the merchant or in your bags.  Provides feedback (in English) to items added or removed from the junk/notjunk list.

It has a built-in list of vending items such as always selling fortune cards, +stat scrolls, unusable armor/weapons (if you're not an enchanter), non-optimal weapons/armor past level 50.  These items are limited to selling to a vendor at 12 at a time to allow buyback from the vendor and toggling off the selling function using "/junk <item link>".

It has a user selectable threshold for automatically selling low level weapons/armor/accessories that are not tagged to always keep.  To access this use the command "/junk ilevel XXX" where XXX is the user specified threshold.  Use "/junk ilevel 0" to remove any threshold.

It also has a built-in replenishment system where you can type "/refill <item link> <quantity>" to refill up to that amount.  To remove an item from the refill list you can either use "/refill <item link> 0" (where a zero quantity just removes it from the refill list) or "junk <item link>" to sell it next time at a vendor and remove it from the refill list.

It can automatically sell Hallow's End masks, wands, tooth picks, and non-tricky treat candy by toggling "/junk hallows" command.

Current enabled settings can be found using "/junk info" command.  This only shows currently enabled settings not the junk, never junk, and refill lists.

It has a master list of items that can never be added to a junk list that includes Shadow's Edge, Spooky Supplies, and others.

By default automatic repairs from guild funds are turned on.  If the guild allows you to repair using their funds then you should be in my opinion.  If for some reason you don't want to repair using guild funds then "/junk guild" will toggle guild funds usage.  Additionally "/junk repair" will toggle automatic repairs completely.

WARNING:  This addOn is in the early stages of development and I recommend not using it until polished more fully unless you're prepared for headaches, heartbreaks, and inventory that might vanish.  Currently it does not check to make sure you have enough gold or currency to buy before refilling for example.

Author: Defective of Arthas-US


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