Earlier Versions
Name | Size | Uploaded | Game Version | Downloads | |
r12 release | 26.81 KB | Sep 27, 2016 | 7.0.3 | 3,136 | ![]() |
r11 beta | 26.98 KB | Oct 28, 2014 | 6.0.3 | 2,640 | ![]() |
r10 beta | 26.93 KB | Oct 23, 2014 | 6.0.2 | 290 | ![]() |
r9 alpha | 26.87 KB | Oct 22, 2014 | 6.0.2 | 52 | ![]() |
r8 alpha | 27.04 KB | Oct 21, 2014 | 6.0.2 | 52 | ![]() |
r7 alpha | 27.01 KB | Oct 20, 2014 | 6.0.2 | 47 | ![]() |
r2 alpha | 26.98 KB | Oct 18, 2014 | 6.0.2 | 45 | ![]() |
You've got an average PC?
Normally you've got 40FPS (frames per second) but you experience a massive FPS decrease in Shattrath and on Isle of Quel'danas? You are worried about the 12FPS while doing raid dungeons?
But you won't throttle down your settings before a raid begins or permanently because when doing solo-content you have an average of 40FPS?
Then this is the perfect add-on for you!
Dynamic Performance
This small add-on automatically adapts your graphics settings in real-time according to the situation. The basis for this addon is that you have an average pc that usually has enough power to provide an acceptable visual appearance, but the power doesn't suffice in some special cases.
By typing /dp or /DynamicPerformance you will see a small window where you can define your desired framerate. when your framerate is below your
defined framerate (because you enter Shattrath or you are close to a battlemaster) the add-on will adapt specific graphical settings dynamically until the desired framerate is reached again.
This mechanism works in both directions: If your framerate is far above your desired one, the add-on will raise the graphic settings as much as possible.
parameters that are affected by the add-on:
· visibility range of objects (it will get foggy sometimes *g*)
· visibility range of landscape (far mountains will disappear)
· visibility range of herbage and similar landscape characteristics
· visibility range of small objects
· weather effects (removed due to an internal bug of WoW)
· spell detail level (range from 5 to 10, because below 5 ground effects are not visible anymore)
All adaptions are made dynamically and there won't be any disrupting effects (e.g. lag because of ReloadUI).
Visibility ranges in battlegrounds will be less adapted as for example in Shattrath because otherwise you may recognize enemy movement too late.
Important: You have to shutdown WoW before installing this addon.
Now unzip the ZIP-archive to your addon-directory. Normally its found in the "interface"-subdirectory of WoW. for example: "..\worldofwarcraft\interface\addons"
Restart WoW an log in. As soon as the loadingscreen disapears, a new window pops up. it will show you the actual stats and qualitysettings. There's a slider on the right side of the frame. Its used to set the desired frames per seconds.
To activate or deactivate the addon, use the buttons of this frame, or do it directly by the slashcommands. (see below)
Use to following slash commands:
· /dp or /dynamicperformance
This will show /hide the configframe
· /dp on/off
To activate or deactivate the addon directly without GUI
Special thanks goes to the guild "Knights of Saxony" (http://wow.kos-gilde.de) and some ex-members. They helped me to develop the addon, made some betatests, gave feedbacks, fixed some typos etc…
I (Grognaz@Aszhara(EU)) am not the origianl author but this addon would have vanished back in 2009 i fi did not keep it up to date. I think this addon still deserves to be updated since i have not seen any similar addon and there are still a lot of performance fluctuations in the game, especially on average computers.
I give full credits the the original author (even though i dont know his name and never heard anything from him) and hope i get to keep this alive a bit longer.
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