WoW epgp_PrioOutput addon Dragonflight/Wrath of the Lich King Classic 2024
wow addon epgp_PrioOutput


Game Version: 4.1.0
Total Downloads: 9,578
Updated: Jun 10, 2011
Created: May 4, 2011
download epgp_PrioOutputDownload Earlier Versions

Earlier Versions

Name Size Uploaded Game Version Downloads
v1.2 release 1.43 KB Jun 10, 2011 4.1.0 8,823 download epgp_PrioOutput v1.2 releaseDownload
v1.1 release 1.33 KB May 4, 2011 4.1.0 663 download epgp_PrioOutput v1.1 releaseDownload
v1.1-3-g0ea0e91 alpha 1.36 KB Jun 10, 2011 4.1.0 92 download epgp_PrioOutput v1.1-3-g0ea0e91 alphaDownload


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What is this?
This is an optional plugin for EPGP (dkp reloaded) addon which allows raid leaders to print the highest loot priority ratings of your current raid members in raid chat.

How do I use this?
Simply install this addon (and the core EPGP addon, if you haven't already) and you are good to go.
While in a raid group, type "/prio X" where X is the number of entries you want printed (e.g. /prio 7). If no number is supplied, it defaults to 5 entries.
Your current raid members will have their EP, GP and Loot Priority ratings analysed and the X number of highest entries will be listed in raid chat, with the highest value first.

How is this different?
This allows raidleaders to quickly and easily show raid members what their PR ratings are and who currently has the highest, without everyone needing to have EPGP installed.

Why did you write this?
Because I was asked, very nicely, by one of my guild's raid leaders! 🙂

– This addon requires the EPGP (dkp reloaded) addon to be installed and enabled to run.
– EP, GP and Loot Priority ratings will not be changed by this addon. It simply prints them out, nothing more.
– There is no config. Simply install and go.


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