WoW Gotta Mog \’Em All addon Dragonflight/Wrath of the Lich King Classic 2024
wow addon Gotta Mog \’Em All

Gotta Mog \’Em All

Game Version: 7.0.3
Total Downloads: 4,006
Updated: Aug 8, 2016
Created: Aug 5, 2016
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Earlier Versions

Name Size Uploaded Game Version Downloads
Gotta Mog 'Em All 1.1 release 155.14 KB Aug 8, 2016 7.0.3 3,488 download Gotta Mog \’Em All Gotta Mog 'Em All 1.1 releaseDownload
Gotta Mog 'Em All 1.0.1 release 2.65 KB Aug 5, 2016 7.0.3 318 download Gotta Mog \’Em All Gotta Mog 'Em All 1.0.1 releaseDownload
Gotta Mog 'Em All release 2.50 KB Aug 5, 2016 7.0.3 200 download Gotta Mog \’Em All Gotta Mog 'Em All releaseDownload



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Note: This addon is discontinued. I didn't know about an addon called mOnArs WardrobeHelper. I just didn't find it while searching for similar addons to my idea. It is much more advanced and was probably developed over a month prior to Gotta Mog 'Em All. It has all my ideas realized. I'll only come back to this if mOnArs gets abandoned or if I have a some ideas for unique features.

Gotta Mog 'Em All

It's a simple tool to determine which transmogrification skins you're still missing of a certain (raid) instance. Of course, only those items are shown which can be learnt by your current class including every type of cloak.

The values you set via the chat commands are saved between sessions.

Clicking "Request Items" without the Dungeon Journal open will try to scan the current instance for items. If you are in the open world nothing will happen. With the Dungeon Journal open it will search the currently selected instance or boss for items. If none is selected – guess what – nothing will happen.


Lists all available commands.

/gmea autoopen
Toggles the autoopen mode. If it is set to "true" GMEA will open on every instance you enter.

/gmea dng
Will scan the current instance for transmoggable items. Only usable in instances.

/gmea hide
Hides the GUI.

/gmea show
Shows the GUI.

/gmea toggle
Toggles visibility of the GUI.

Comments/critics are appreciated.


  • Find a way to check set items
  • List all instances with the number of obtainable items next to them
  • Localization

Known Issues

  • Currently in random heroic instances with personal loot all cloaks are taken into consideration, although those with other classes' primary stats are unobtainable this way
  • Sometimes it seems not to show all items when requesting them for the first time (especially when you don't know a lot of skins of an instance). Requesting them a second time should fix it.
  • If you resize the GUI long item lists are not clipped correctly (I'll maybe add scrolling later but it shouldn't be much of a problem)
  • When you have an instance where only one boss drops an item for you and then switch to another instance (or re-request the same) you can't see its loot.


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