WoW GS-Ðarkramz addon Dragonflight/Wrath of the Lich King Classic 2025
wow addon GS-Ðarkramz


Game Version: 7.0.3
Total Downloads: 13,758
Updated: Sep 19, 2016
Created: Aug 1, 2016
download GS-ÐarkramzDownload Earlier Versions

Earlier Versions

Name Size Uploaded Game Version Downloads
GS-Darkramz release 11.02 KB Sep 19, 2016 7.0.3 8,055 download GS-Ðarkramz GS-Darkramz releaseDownload
GS-Darkramz release 10.97 KB Aug 29, 2016 7.0.3 2,814 download GS-Ðarkramz GS-Darkramz releaseDownload
GS-Darkramz release 10.40 KB Aug 26, 2016 7.0.3 674 download GS-Ðarkramz GS-Darkramz releaseDownload
GS-Darkramz release 9.77 KB Aug 15, 2016 7.0.3 791 download GS-Ðarkramz GS-Darkramz releaseDownload
GS-Darkramz release 9.65 KB Aug 13, 2016 7.0.3 341 download GS-Ðarkramz GS-Darkramz releaseDownload
GS-Darkramz release 9.65 KB Aug 11, 2016 7.0.3 318 download GS-Ðarkramz GS-Darkramz releaseDownload
GS-Darkramz release 9.61 KB Aug 8, 2016 7.0.3 167 download GS-Ðarkramz GS-Darkramz releaseDownload
GS-Darkramz release 9.60 KB Aug 6, 2016 7.0.3 120 download GS-Ðarkramz GS-Darkramz releaseDownload
GS-Darkramz release 9.18 KB Aug 1, 2016 7.0.3 386 download GS-Ðarkramz GS-Darkramz releaseDownload
GS-Darkramz release 9.18 KB Aug 1, 2016 7.0.3 92 download GS-Ðarkramz GS-Darkramz releaseDownload


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GS-E: Darkramz's sequences

This is an plug-in for: GnomeSequencer Enhanced

What is GnomeSequencer Enhanced?

GnomeSequencer-Enhanced allows you create a sequence of macros to be executed at the push of a button.

Like a /castsequence macro, it cycles through a series of commands when the button is pushed. However, unlike castsequence, it uses macro text for the commands instead of spells, and it advances every time the button is pushed instead of stopping when it can't cast something. This means if a spell is on cooldown and you push the button it will continue to the next item in the list with each press until it reaches the end and starts over. It comes with an editor and everything you need to get started.

How to use this plug-in

  1. Install GnomeSequencer Enhanced
  2. Install GS-Ðarkramz
  3. Run WoW and enable the addons
  4. Login to your DPS or Tank and type /gs
  5. Adjust Talents according to the Helptext displayed for each Specialization
  6. Go to the Charcter specific Macro Window
  7. Drag the new GS-E Macros to your Action Bar

The best way to get the most DPS out of these is with a spambutton. You can use the software of your keyboard or mouse to create it.
Don't you have it? No worries Autohotkey (AHK) is a good alternative and the Read me file provides you with all information you need.


  • x /x means that there is a choice between 2 talents in the row
  • x/x/x means that there is a choice between 3 talents in the row
  • ? means that you have a completely free choice of the talents in that row

Additional information about those talents can be found within the file

What classes and specs are in yet?

  • Death Knigh: Blood, Unholy and Frost
  • Demon Hunter: Havoc and Vengeance
  • Druid: Guardian
  • Hunter: Beast Mastery, Marksmanship and Survival
  • Monk: Brewmaster and Windwalker
  • Paladin: Retribution and Protection
  • Shaman: Enhancement
  • Warrior: Arms, Fury and Protection

When can we expect Updates?

There will be updated macros once there are crucial buffs, nerfs or if we're getting tier-gear.
Over the course of time more specs are getting macro'd.
The macros are all legion Ready. However ret paladin depends on the way you build your artifact.

Here are some quick videos.

  • GnomeSequencer-Enhanced 101: For those who have never used GS-E before
  • Classwide Macros and new stuff in 1.0.3:
  • Getting Started, The Sequence Editor and Options:
  • For Users of original Gnome Sequencer:

Addins for GS-E

  • GS-E Sequence Translator
  • myMacros: This is a shell for storing your personal macros in. As its not part of the main install its not overridden when GS-E is updated.
  • Specialist Druid Macros by HiroYakamura
  • SSR Pack Russian: Macros translated to RU


All credits are going to: TimothyLuke


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