WoW Guild Kicker addon Dragonflight/Wrath of the Lich King Classic 2025
wow addon Guild Kicker

Guild Kicker

Game Version: 7.0.3
Total Downloads: 16,678
Updated: Aug 25, 2016
Created: Jan 23, 2015
download Guild KickerDownload Earlier Versions

Earlier Versions

Name Size Uploaded Game Version Downloads
Guild Kicker 1.3 release 6.18 KB Aug 25, 2016 7.0.3 9,761 download Guild Kicker Guild Kicker 1.3 releaseDownload
Guild Kicker 1.2 release 6.38 KB Feb 20, 2015 6.1.0 5,965 download Guild Kicker Guild Kicker 1.2 releaseDownload
Guild Kicker 1.1 release 6.38 KB Jan 28, 2015 6.0.3 458 download Guild Kicker Guild Kicker 1.1 releaseDownload
Guild Kicker 1.0 release 7.90 KB Jan 23, 2015 6.0.3 494 download Guild Kicker Guild Kicker 1.0 releaseDownload



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This Menu can be accessed through your Who List when opening your Friend List. It removes members from your guild based on criteria you set. You can kick people based on number of days offline or level, or both. You can also apply exemptions to alts, or certain ranks.


1. If World of Warcraft is open exit the program. 2. Copy the GuildKicker Folder (NOT ZIP FILE) to the add-on’s directory of your World of Warcraft Directory. (See your World of Warcraft documentation if you don't know where that is) 3. Start World of Warcraft and login. 4. Once you reach the character selection screen make sure that "Guild Kicker" is loaded. 5. Finish reading this documentation. 6. Enjoy your new AddOn

-Features & Usage -2.1 Kick by Inactivity-
Guild Kicker will kick members that have been offline for a number of days based on a criteria that you set. This criteria can be from 1 to 365 days. All guild members that have been offline for that many days and MORE will be kicked unless exempt. (see below)

1. Kick by Level – Guild Kicker will kick members that are below a certain level based on criteria that you set. This criteria can be from level 1 to 85. All guild members that are at or BELOW the level set will be kicked unless exempt. (see below)

2. Kick by Both – If selected Guild Kicker will kick members that meet BOTH level and inactivity criteria that you set. Which means they need to be a low enough level AND offline for a long enough period before they are kicked.

3. Exemption by Rank – Guild members will be saved from kicking if they are of a rank that you have set to be exempt. Guild leaders are automatically exempt, as well as ranks equal to or greater then your own.

4. Exemption by Alt – Guild members will be saved from kicking if they have the word "alt" in either their public or officer note, should you have selected the "Alts Exempt?" option. (e.g. "Yottabyte's Alt" will be saved from kicking. "Yottabyte's DK" will not be saved from kicking.)

5. Exemption by Either – If rank and alt exemptions are used, Guild Kicker will NOT kick members that meet either exemption criteria. Which means they do NOT NEED TO REACH BOTH to be saved from kicking.

6. Exemption by DK class – Only DKs that meet all the criteria will be booted (for booting a lvl 55-58 lazy DKs)

7. Confirmation Dialog – After initiating a kick, you will be met with a Confirmation dialog that will tell you how many guild members will be kicked should you confirm your selection. Also a list the members in question will be listed sp that you can review it to see if you have made a mistake or wish to change your settings.

Created by Yottabyte.
Repaired by Darkblizzard.


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