WoW HandyNotes: Nooks and Crannies addon Dragonflight/Wrath of the Lich King Classic 2025
wow addon HandyNotes: Nooks and Crannies

HandyNotes: Nooks and Crannies

Game Version: 10.0.2
Total Downloads: 14,411
Updated: Dec 2, 2022
Created: Jun 1, 2022
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This addon will sometime contain all caves, portals and another modes of transportation around the World (of Warcraft).

If you have any comment, issue or feature request, you can leave me a note on Discord (link in icon), create issue on Gitlab or send a me a message where you see fit.


Configuration for this addon can be found under HandyNotes (Interface -> Addons -> HandyNotes -> Plugins -> Nooks and Crannies).

At current time, you can modify configuration for Waypoints.


Waypoints can be enabled or disabled, and you can change their size and opacity.


Waypoints in instances

This adds waypoints (transitions between maps) to past dungeons and raids like we know it from Legion and onwards.
In the future, this might be expanded to mini maps all over the world (like Caverns of Time).

  • Waypoints in all pre-Legion raid instances for easier orientation:

    • Classic raids (Blackwing Lair, Temple of Ahn’Qiraj).
    • Burning Crusade raids (Karazhan, Black Temple, Sunwell Plateau).
    • Wrath of the Lich King raids (Naxxramas, Ulduar, Trial of Crusader, Icecrown Citadel).
    • Cataclysm raids (Blackwing Descent, Bastion of Twilight, Firelands, Dragon Soul).
    • Mists of Pandaria raids (Heart of Fear, Mogu’shan Vaults, Throne of Thunder, Siege of Orgrimmar).
    • Warlords of Draenor raids (Highmaul, Blackrock Foundry, Hellfire Citadel).
  • Waypoints in all pre-Legion dungeon instances for easier orientation:

    • Classic dungeons (Blackfathom Deeps, Blackrock Depths, Dire Maul, Gnomeregan, Lower Blackrock Spire, Maraudon, Scarlet Halls, Scarlet Monastery, Scholomance, Shadowfang Keep, The Deadmines, Uldaman).
    • The Burning Crusade dungeons (Auchenai Crypts, Magisters’ Terrace, Sethekk Halls, The Arcatraz, The Mechanar, The Steamvault).
    • Wrath of the Lich King dungeons (Azjol-Nerub, Culling of Stratholme, Drak’Tharon Keep, Halls of Lightning, The Oculus, Utgarde Keep, Utgarde Pinnacle).
    • Cataclysm dungeons (Blackrock Caverns, End Time, Halls of Origination, Hour of Twilight, Throne of Tides).
    • Mists of Pandaria dungeons (Gate of the Setting Sun, Mogu’shan Palace, Siege of Niuzao Temple, Shado-Pan Monastery, Stormstout Brewery, Temple of the Jade Serpent).
    • Warlords of Draenor dungeons (Grimrail Depot, Shadowmoon Burial Grounds, Skyreach, The Everbloom, Upper Blackrock Spire).

Waypoints in open world

This adds doors and portal to map, showing you where you can travel. It can be some forgotten caves, teleports or city transports.

Waypoints in Draenor

  • Ashran: Warspear (TP to Orgrimmar, path to Ashran, Flight Master)
  • Frostfire Ridge: Frostwall (Horde Garrison), Frostwall Mine, Portal to Warspear (Garrison lvl 3)
  • Talador: Tomb of Souls, Tomb of Light
  • Gorgrond: Cragplume Crater, Fissure of Fury, Moira’s Bastion
  • Shadowmoon Valley: Bloodthorn Cave, Den of Secrets
  • Nagrand: Oshu’gun, Stonecrag Gorge, The Masters’ Cavern

Waypoints in Dragonflight

  • Valdrakken: Mythic dungeon portals (Dalaran, Shadowmoon Valley, Jade Forest), Home City portals (Orgrimmar / Stormwind)


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