Earlier Versions
Name | Size | Uploaded | Game Version | Downloads | |
1.8.0 release | 13.60 KB | Jul 5, 2017 | 7.2.5 +3 | 226 | ![]() |
1.7.0 release | 10.60 KB | Feb 22, 2017 | 7.1.5 | 135 | ![]() | release | 9.67 KB | Jan 20, 2017 | 7.1.5 | 97 | ![]() |
1.5.1-2 release | 9.06 KB | Dec 28, 2016 | 7.1.0 | 103 | ![]() |
1.5.1 release | 10.53 KB | Dec 28, 2016 | 7.1.0 | 18 | ![]() |
1.5.0 release | 10.53 KB | Dec 28, 2016 | 7.1.0 | 17 | ![]() |
1.4b release | 5.52 KB | Dec 21, 2016 | 7.1.0 | 65 | ![]() |
1.3.1 release | 5.52 KB | Dec 21, 2016 | 7.1.0 | 36 | ![]() |
v1.3_release release | 5.47 KB | Dec 21, 2016 | 7.1.0 | 24 | ![]() |
1.2 release | 5.63 KB | Oct 12, 2015 | 6.2.2 | 402 | ![]() |
1.1 release | 5.13 KB | Oct 8, 2015 | 6.2.2 | 75 | ![]() |
1.02 release | 4.11 KB | Oct 5, 2015 | 6.2.2 | 87 | ![]() |
1.01 release | 4.06 KB | Oct 5, 2015 | 6.2.2 | 49 | ![]() |
Beta beta | 4.07 KB | Oct 5, 2015 | 6.2.2 | 35 | ![]() |
KekMount ("KMount") is a small addon that enables a one-click summoning of an appropriate mount. That is to say, if your character has a riding skill but not a flying skill, it will pick a ground mount even if you have a flying mounts selected as favorites.
This mod has only been tested with English language clients and it might not work with other languages.
Why I made this mod
The reason I made this mod is primarily because while the built-in mount manager is good, it doesn't support simple things like not selecting a freaking dragon when I'm using a character that can't even fly. With KMount, that's now possible and what's more, I've added additional functionality that might or might not be of use, like selecting mounts that increase underwater movement speed when your character is underwater. Even better it's all toggleable, so if you don't like a certain feature you don't have to use it all.
How to use
Using KMount is really easy, all you have to do is create a macro containing:
Yes, it really is that simple. No needless UIs or pages of options, it just works straight out of the box.
What KekMount does
- Integrates seamlessly with Blizzard's built-in mount manager so you'll always be riding your favorite [appropriate] mount(s)
- Summons ground mount if in no-fly zone or if the player haven't got the prerequisites for flying
- Recognizes achievements as riding skills where applicable
- Summons flying mount in flyable areas, if the player have prerequisites for it
- Summons Ahn'quiraj mount if player is in appropriate zone and it's available
- Summons Chauffeured Mekgineer's Chopper/Mechano-Hog if player haven't got riding skill and they are available
- Summons water mount (i.e. mounts that increase underwater speed) if underwater
- Summons Seahorse of Poseidus/Seashorse if underwater in Vashj'ir zone
- Toggle preference for mounts with water walking
- Will select an appropriate mount at random if no favorite mounts have been selected
What it doesn't do
- It does not summon Travel Form or Ghost Wolf. This is due to CastSpell and CastSpellByName being protected functions and other solutions being messy
- While it support most mounts it does not support very rare "mounts" like Dragonwrath, Tarecgosa's Rest (it's a spell, see above)
- No UI (and it will most likely never get one, if you want UI there are several other bloated addons to choose form)
Note: "List" refers to kmount's internal mount category sets.
- Help – Shows a list of all available commands
- Info – Displays settings for current character.
- Togglew – Toggles water mounts (except Vashj'ir specific mounts).
- Togglepw – Toggles preference for ground mounts that can walk on water.
- Togglefd – Toggles whether or not to dismount while in flight.
- Togglebf – Toggles use of favorite mount(s) from the built-in mount manager. This overrides favorites set in KMount. This is overridden by 'togglepw' for ground mounts.
- Toggleam – Toggles use of the "ambiguous mount list". That is to say, add flying mounts that look like ground mounts to the ground mounts list. (such as Cindermane Charger, Mystic Runesaber and Ruby Panther)
- Togglewb – Toggles the use of a waterwalking mount blacklist if togglepw is active. Certain regions, such as Dalaran, have no meaningful bodies or water or no water at all and as such using waterwalking mounts there is unnecessary.
- Toggleaq – Toggles use of Quiraji Battle Tank mounts within Ahn'Qiraj. Does not affect battle tanks obtained through sources other than from drops within Ahn'Qiraj (i.e. does not affect the black battle tank or the one from archeology). (1.8.0+)
- Setfd – Sets the desired method for in-flight dismount protection. Available options:
- 1 – Completely turns off ability to dismount in-flight.
- 2 – Double tap within 1.5 seconds to dismount in-flight (default).
Note: Changing this will have no effect unless in-flight dismount protection (togglefd) is active.
- G – Force summons a ground mount.
- F – Force summons a flying mount.
- Nofly – Temporarily turns off flying (for kmount). Can be turned off by toggling again, doing a /reload or restarting the game.
- Reset – Reset settings for current character to default settings.
Note: All commands are case insensitive. Kmount treats tOgGlewB no different from togglewb.
Help section
Issue: Kmount always picks Azure Water Strider or Crimson Water Strider, even though I have other ground mounts selected as favorites!
Answer: Kmount always strives to pick the most appropriate mount available. Since the water strider mounts come with the not-so-insignificant benefit of being able to walk over water, this is considered the most beneficial mount for the player if flying isn't available. If this behavior is not to your liking you can turn it off by typing:
/kmount togglepw
Issue: I have unlocked the heirloom mount, but it doesn't work on The Wandering Isles.
Answer: The heirloom mount is actually 2 faction specific mounts: Chauffeured Mekgineer's Chopper and Chauffeured Mechano-Hog. Since Pandaren are neutral before they leave The Wandering Isles, it is not possible to use any faction specific mounts.
Note: Should Blizzard ever decide to fix this issue, it is very likely that Kmount will be able to summon the heirloom mount without any updates. As of writing (05-07-2017, patch 7.2.5) this is still not resolved.
Issue: Kmount won't let me dismount while flying!
Answer: Prior to 1.6.0 the in-flight dismount protection was active by default. Since kmount keeps settings when upgrading to a newer version, if you used (only characters you used kmount on are affected) a version older than 1.6.0 then this behavior is set to active. This can easily be fixed by running (on each character affected):
/kmount togglefd
Issue: Kmount summons mounts other than those I choose in the mount manager.
Answer: Make sure kmount is set to use favorite mounts in the blizzard mount manager. Run:
/kmount info
Look for "Prefer Blizzard's mount manager favorite(s)", it should say Yes if the behavior is active. If it says No, then simply run:
/kmount togglebf
If the problem persists it means that you haven't selected any eligible favorites in the mount manager. Kmount will then default to selecting what is set by setg/f or, if unset, a random mount from the appropriate category.
Issue: I have activated underwater mounts but sometimes it doesn't seem to work or is slightly delayed.
Answer: Sadly this is a limitation that only Blizzard can properly fix. Right now Kmount will record the time whenever you submerge or re-emerge and activate underwater mounts when you have been submerged for at least 2 seconds. This is to prevent the player from being unable to summon other mount types when in water.
Secondly, certain spells, buffs or debuffs will, due to the way the game works, break kmount's ability to detect whether or not you are underwater. Kmount will recognize some of these underwater breathing spells, but far from all. If you find spells or areas where it doesn't work, then feel free to contact me and I will see what I can do about it.
Other Commands (i.e. nerdy stuff)
- Get <flying|ground> – Shows a list of available, useable mounts and an associated index number. This number is what is used to set favorite mounts. A '*' next to the name means that you have selected it as a favorite in the mount manager.
- Indexbyname or ibn <query> – Search through all mounts (even unavailable) and returns an index number if a match is found. Example:
/kmount getbyname swift spec
Would output: "KMount: Index of 'Swift Spectral Gryphon' is '422'."
This is because Swift Spectral Gryphon is the first mount where a partial match is made.
Using this in combination with debug mode will return additional, potentially, useful information.
- Namebyindex or nbi <query> – Returns the name of a given index if it matches one.
- Mountcount – Returns the amount of mounts in each kmount category. Does not function properly in combat (and isn't meant to).
- Update – Force updates the mount list used by kekmount circumventing the use of KM_QueueCheck.
Setf <name|id> – Sets preferred flying mount. Takes mount name or mount id (advanced) as an argument.
- Setg – <name|id> – Sets preferred ground mount. Takes mount name or mount id (advanced) as an argument.
Note: It's enough to enter part of a name since both setg and setf will perform a search and select the first match. This does not apply when using an ID.
- Usetf – Unset preferred flying mount.
- Usetg – Unset preferred ground mount.
- Debug – Activates debug mode for current session. Issuing the command again will toggle it on and off. Using /reload will toggle it off regardless of state.
Why the stupid name?
Lack of imagination/All good names were already taken
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