WoW LibPetBreedInfo addon Dragonflight/Wrath of the Lich King Classic 2025
wow addon LibPetBreedInfo


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Total Downloads: 15,656
Updated: Jan 1, 1970
Created: Dec 27, 2012
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New Maintainer

Hi, Elegant here, I'll be picking up where Nullberri left off with this library and will be maintaining it going forward =D


LibPetBreedInfo is a library for computing breed information for pets.

Example Usage

local LibPetBreedInfo = LibStub("LibPetBreedInfo-1.0")
local breedIndex, confidence = LibPetBreedInfo:GetBreedByPetID(C_PetJournal.GetPetInfoByIndex(1))
local breedName = LibPetBreedInfo:GetBreedName(breedIndex)


local breedIndex, confidence = LibPetBreedInfo:GetBreedByPetBattleSlot(petOwner,id)

Gets the breed index for the given pet
Returns breedIndex, confidence
breedIndex can be used by GetBreedName to return the breeds name.
confidence, a number. higher numbers are better. good predictions start at confidence > 2.5

Returns nil if the pet does not have a base stats profile or if the petOwner and id are not valid
Results are not valid if computed while round play back is happening


local breedIndex, confidence = LibPetBreedInfo:GetBreedByPetID(petID)

Gets the breed index for the given pet
Returns breedIndex ,confidence
breedIndex can be used by GetBreedName to return the breeds name.
confidence, a number. higher numbers are better. good predictions start at confidence > 2.5

Returns nil if the species cannot battle or does not have a base stats profile or if the petID is not valid


local breedIndex, confidence = LibPetBreedInfo:GetBreedByStats(speciesID,level,rarity,health,power,speed)

Gets the breed index for the given pet
Returns breedIndex ,confidence
breedIndex can be used by GetBreedName to return the breeds name.
confidence, a number. higher numbers are better. good predictions start at confidence > 2.5

Returns nil if the species cannot battle or does not have a base stats profile

GetPetPredictedStats(speciesID, breedID, rarity, level)

local health, power, speed = LibPetBreedInfo:GetPetPredictedStats(speciesID, breedID, rarity, level)

Gets the predicted stats for a species at a given level
returns health,power,speed

returns nil if the pet does not have a base stats profile, or if an invalid… breedID, rarity, or non numeric level is given.


for breedID,breedName in LibPetBreedInfo:IterateBreedNames() do

Gets an ipair iterator for all of the possible breed names


local breedName =  LibPetBreedInfo:GetBreedName(breedID)

Gets the string representation of a BreedID

BreedIDs are from 3-12
Returns nil for invalid breedID's


local breedName =  LibPetBreedInfo:GetAvailableBreeds(speciesID)

returns a list of possible breedID's for a given speciesID
returns nil if no data is present or if a speciesID is invalid


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