WoW Lootsturm Light addon Dragonflight/Wrath of the Lich King Classic 2024
wow addon Lootsturm Light

Lootsturm Light

Game Version: 7.3.0
Total Downloads: 179
Updated: Nov 15, 2017
Created: Nov 14, 2017
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Earlier Versions

Name Size Uploaded Game Version Downloads release 23.92 KB Nov 15, 2017 7.3.0 152 download Lootsturm Light releaseDownload alpha 23.94 KB Nov 14, 2017 7.3.0 27 download Lootsturm Light alphaDownload



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This addon assists loot masters with distributing boss loot evenly among the raid members.

It's right in the middle between Blizzard's loot window and a fully blown DKP or Loot Council system.


  1. while looting
    • posting of the boss loot to all raid members. Everybody can see what has dropped without having to stay near the corpse or loot chest.
    • distribute loot in any order you like
    • Raid members can roll Need, Greed or Disenchant, they can also Pass if they changed their mind
    • automatic filtering of invalid rolls (like /roll 11-100) or repeated rolls
    • display of every player who rolled for an item to every player in the raid
    • shows how many items a player has received in the past
    • shows the latest item a player was awarded
  2. before looting
    • enables automatically as soon as the loot method is set to master loot
    • disables otherwise
    • boss encounters can be treated as "progress" or "farm" bosses
    • items received from a progress boss are counted separately from the farm bosses
  3. after looting
    • saves every item together with its recipient, source (i.e. boss name) and date
    • each player can be given an individual handicap, which increases or decreases the item count


There is no fair loot system!

However, as a guild you can decide what is most suitable for you.

The philosophy (i.e. intended use) of Lootsturm Light is:

  • everybody should roughly receive the same amount of items
  • items from hard bosses should weigh a little bit more than the ones from the easy bosses
  • new joiners should be treated as if they have received the guild's average number of items at the time they joined
  • items from any source other than the raid do not count, we don't want to punish players for doing more content

Development Notes

This addon is being used and developed by the guild "Blutsturm" on EU-Der Rat von Dalaran since launch of Legion.

Please be aware that I have just started to publish this addon, which means that several guild internal loot rules are still hard wired!


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