WoW MacroTooltipLoader addon Dragonflight/Wrath of the Lich King Classic 2024
wow addon MacroTooltipLoader


Game Version: 6.2.3
Total Downloads: 2,236
Updated: Dec 5, 2015
Created: May 3, 2014
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Earlier Versions

Name Size Uploaded Game Version Downloads
MacroTooltipLoader v0.9 beta 2.80 KB Dec 5, 2015 6.2.3 971 download MacroTooltipLoader MacroTooltipLoader v0.9 betaDownload
MacroTooltipLoader v0.81 beta 2.69 KB Jun 20, 2015 6.1.0 328 download MacroTooltipLoader MacroTooltipLoader v0.81 betaDownload
MacroTooltipLoader v0.8 beta 2.70 KB Jun 17, 2015 6.1.0 92 download MacroTooltipLoader MacroTooltipLoader v0.8 betaDownload
MacroTooltipLoader 0.7 beta 2.60 KB Jun 17, 2015 6.1.0 95 download MacroTooltipLoader MacroTooltipLoader 0.7 betaDownload
MacroTooltipLoader v0.6 beta 1.39 KB Nov 7, 2014 6.0.3 472 download MacroTooltipLoader MacroTooltipLoader v0.6 betaDownload
MacroTooltipLoader v0.5 beta 1.42 KB Oct 24, 2014 6.0.2 147 download MacroTooltipLoader MacroTooltipLoader v0.5 betaDownload
0.2 beta 3.23 KB May 3, 2014 5.4.7 66 download MacroTooltipLoader 0.2 betaDownload
0.1 beta 3.27 KB May 3, 2014 5.4.7 65 download MacroTooltipLoader 0.1 betaDownload


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MacroTooltipLoader – by Macks

An addon that automatically updates the tooltips of talent-specfic macros. No more dragging, no more question marks, no more clicking the spell once. Basicly, instead of a macro like the one below where you have to press it once for it to activate the tooltip, you can now remove the script and get the tooltips without keypresses.

/cast talent1
/cast talent2
/cast talent3
/run local X=GetSpellInfo SetMacroSpell("<macro>", X"<talent1>" or X"<talent2>" or X"<talent3>");

It updates on PLAYER_SPECIALIZATION_CHANGED events and changes the macros and tooltips automatically. The reason for macros to also update is that some classes have a different talent in another spec on the same row.


/mtl show talents – Just lists the currently learned talents.
/mtl create ## – Creates a macro for the specific tier level, i.e. /mtl create 15 will create a macro for talents in tier 15.
/mtl create all – Deletes all previously macros named "## Talents" and creates new ones for all tier levels.
The tooltips update automatically if a talent changes.

If you make macros yourself or have existing macros make sure to name them "Talents ##". Just remember that your existing macros will be overwritten.

If you find bugs, let me now.

Feel free to change in the LUA for personal preference. A feature to change it in-game will not be implemented any time soon.

Known bugs/issues:

– Will display passive talents in the macro. Not really a bug, it is to avoid questionmarks in the UI.
– Some talents that replace spells will cause you to have two binds for the same spell. Not really a bug, but just as a reminder.
– Need to edit inside the .lua file if you want something else than the defaults in the macros.
– The Warlock Grimorie of Service is not the actual spell. For this reason Grimoire: Doomguard is the default spell for this, change as needed in the .lua. Might be more talents like this.
– If you have the blizzard macro interface shown while changing talents or using the slashcommands to create macros tooltips will not update.


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