WoW MacroTranslator addon Dragonflight/Wrath of the Lich King Classic 2025
wow addon MacroTranslator


Game Version: 6.1.0
Total Downloads: 1,869
Updated: Feb 26, 2015
Created: Jan 27, 2014
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Earlier Versions

Name Size Uploaded Game Version Downloads release 4.23 KB Feb 26, 2015 6.1.0 1,032 download MacroTranslator releaseDownload release 6.78 KB Oct 16, 2014 6.0.2 350 download MacroTranslator releaseDownload release 5.82 KB Aug 3, 2014 5.4.8 260 download MacroTranslator releaseDownload beta 5.34 KB Jan 27, 2014 5.4.2 227 download MacroTranslator betaDownload


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<big>Translates the spell and item names in your macros when you switch game languages.</big>
DE Übersetzt die Zaubers- und Gegenständesnamen in deinen Makros beim Wechsel der Spielsprache.
ES Traducir los nombres de hechizos y objetos en tus macros al cambiar del idioma del juego.


Due to the way the Blizzard functions for getting information about spells and items by name works, the translation will only work for spells that have been seen in your spellbook, and for items that have been seen in your bags, in each language you play in. Normally, the addon only runs its translation routine when you log in. If you need to run it manually for some reason (maybe you had a macro for using an item that you didn't have in your bags when you logged in, but picked up later, for example) you can use the "/macrotrans" command.

For items, you can actually write "item:6948" instead of "Hearthstone", but there is no equivalent "spell:id" format for spell names, and personally I'd rather write out the item name if space permits.


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If you are reporting a bug, please make sure you have the latest version of the addon from this page, and then include detailed instructions I can follow to reproduce the bug myself, which Broker display you are using, whether the bug still happens when all other addons are disabled, and the exact text of the accompanying error message (if any).

If the issue is related to a specific macro, please include the actual macro text, before and after translation.


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