WoW miniHUD v5 addon Dragonflight/Wrath of the Lich King Classic 2025
wow addon miniHUD v5

miniHUD v5

Game Version: 6.0.3
Total Downloads: 1,408
Updated: Feb 20, 2015
Created: Feb 20, 2015
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miniHUD v5 release 2.84 KB Feb 20, 2015 6.0.3 1,408 download miniHUD v5 miniHUD v5 releaseDownload



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miniHUD, aka. mikma's nifty HUD is an addon that shows your health and target's health in small statusbars.

miniHUD has 4 bars, from top to bottom:

Target [==========] 100
   You [==========] 100
Power [==========] 100 *****
    Pet [==========] 100

Target HP-bar is reaction colored.
Your hp-bar is colored by class.
Power bar is colored by power. Combo points are shown after percent.
Pet bar is colored by pet class. Only shown if pet exists.

Text is only visible when mouseovering the correct bar.

It gets positioned next to the last visible default StanceButton.
If none are visible, the bar is being shown in middle of the screen.

/minihud lock toggles the lock.
/minihud combat toggles the show in combat only.

Moving the bars remembers the position for next login and is character based.


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