WoW NPCScan creaturecache Remover addon Dragonflight/Wrath of the Lich King Classic 2025
wow addon NPCScan creaturecache Remover

NPCScan creaturecache Remover

Game Version: 5.2.0
Total Downloads: 8,574
Updated: Mar 12, 2013
Created: Feb 27, 2013
download NPCScan creaturecache RemoverDownload Earlier Versions

Earlier Versions

Name Size Uploaded Game Version Downloads
NPCScan Creaturecache Remover release 711 Bytes Mar 12, 2013 5.2.0 7,420 download NPCScan creaturecache Remover NPCScan Creaturecache Remover releaseDownload
NPCScan creaturecache Remover release 660 Bytes Mar 1, 2013 5.1.0 1,045 download NPCScan creaturecache Remover NPCScan creaturecache Remover releaseDownload
NPCScan creaturecache Remover release 668 Bytes Feb 27, 2013 5.1.0 109 download NPCScan creaturecache Remover NPCScan creaturecache Remover releaseDownload


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The file is named: NPCScan Creaturecache Remover Final 2019.txt

You must change it to: NPCScan Creaturecache Remover Final 2019.bat

for it to launch when you have put the file on your desktop after possible editing it to your liking.


Automatically removes the creaturecache file so the cache is clear for NPCScan and loads up wow. You can place the file anywhere on the desktop, it's meant to work as an alternative launcher for wow as well 🙂


If you only wish it to clear cache, just delete the "CALL" lines the batch file in notepad.

(Call means start the program world of Warcraft)


If you have custom path o your game, edit the lines in notepad to your own path.


Error message: "The system cannot find the path specified" is NORMAL! Because it tries to perform the actions on both 32/64-bit & Vista install directions.


It will work on all game versions and old versions of NPCScan (If you got that)


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