WoW Orc Male Laugh Mute addon Dragonflight/Wrath of the Lich King Classic 2025
wow addon Orc Male Laugh Mute

Orc Male Laugh Mute

Game Version: 6.0.2
Total Downloads: 244
Updated: Oct 16, 2014
Created: Sep 11, 2013
download Orc Male Laugh MuteDownload Earlier Versions

Earlier Versions

Name Size Uploaded Game Version Downloads
OrcMaleLaughMute_v1.0 release 1.31 KB Oct 16, 2014 6.0.2 244 download Orc Male Laugh Mute OrcMaleLaughMute_v1.0 releaseDownload


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This is a single 0 byte file with a .ogg extension contained in the appropriate folder structure that overrides (and mutes) the sound made by male Orcs NPCs laughing.

To install it, just extract the downloaded zip and copy/paste the Sound folder into the main WoW directory. If it asks if you want to merge folders, click Yes. Do not install via the MMOUI Minion or Curse Client as they will try to install this as an AddOn (which won't work).

Thanks to Dliver for posting this thread asking for a way to mute the sound and for testing whether I'd found the correct sound file.


This also mutes the male Orc player character laugh emote, since most male Orc NPCs use the player character's laugh sound.


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