WoW OregorgerHelper addon Dragonflight/Wrath of the Lich King Classic 2024
wow addon OregorgerHelper


Game Version: 6.0.3
Total Downloads: 21,858
Updated: Feb 10, 2015
Created: Feb 5, 2015
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Earlier Versions

Name Size Uploaded Game Version Downloads
OregorgerHelper-0.2.1 release 17.90 KB Feb 10, 2015 6.0.3 21,575 download OregorgerHelper OregorgerHelper-0.2.1 releaseDownload
OregorgerHelper-0.2 release 17.91 KB Feb 10, 2015 6.0.3 166 download OregorgerHelper OregorgerHelper-0.2 releaseDownload
OregorgerHelper-0.1.1 release 17.89 KB Feb 10, 2015 6.0.3 117 download OregorgerHelper OregorgerHelper-0.1.1 releaseDownload



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Oregorger Helper gives to you a HUD map of Oregorger encounter in Blackrock Foundry to help you to be in a safe spot while destroying ore caches in a Rolling Fury phase.

You may want to move the HUD interface for a place you want. To enter the test mode and move the HUD for a place you want just type the below commands in your in-game chat:

/oreg test
/oreg unlock

This commands above will start the test mode and unlock the HUD to be dragable. Then run the commands below to lock the HUD again and finish the test mode

/oreg lock
/oreg end

This commands are also explained typing the command /oreg help.

For sure, the HUD map will show to you the whole room green while in the non rolling phase as every path is safe. In a rolling phase you'll see the HUD as in test mode where each color indicates that:

Red: the boss may roll in this paths in up to 6 seconds.
Brown: the boss may roll in this paths in 5 to 12 seconds
Green: the boss may roll in this paths in 10+ seconds

The initial intention was to let the addon completely automatic but since there's not API available to get the boss position, we can't do it for now. To track the boss path someone in the raid must have to click the boss position and everyone in the raid will receive the safe paths on the HUD (like the first versions of Malkorok Helper for those who already used it).

I'll try to develop some AI logic to automate this process but for now it will work this way. You can be in a raid with a friend and enter the test mode to learn how to manage the addon. The HUD will be clickable only on rolling phase.


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