WoW OregorgerTracker addon Dragonflight/Wrath of the Lich King Classic 2024
wow addon OregorgerTracker


Game Version: 6.0.3
Total Downloads: 73,375
Updated: Feb 21, 2015
Created: Feb 10, 2015
download OregorgerTrackerDownload Earlier Versions

Earlier Versions

Name Size Uploaded Game Version Downloads
v1.3 release 57.19 KB Feb 21, 2015 6.0.3 66,635 download OregorgerTracker v1.3 releaseDownload
v1.2 release 56.39 KB Feb 15, 2015 6.0.3 6,511 download OregorgerTracker v1.2 releaseDownload
v1.1 alpha 56.33 KB Feb 15, 2015 6.0.3 84 download OregorgerTracker v1.1 alphaDownload
v1.0 alpha 56.25 KB Feb 15, 2015 6.0.3 145 download OregorgerTracker v1.0 alphaDownload



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Automatically tracks Oregorger's location during each roll phase to determine which paths are safe and which are dangerous.

This addon requires at least 3 people in the raid to be running it, however I'd recommend 5+ to ensure accurate results.


  • Minimap which can rotate with the player or stay stationary (movable and resizable)
  • Small circle (known as the "Light") which shows your current safety (movable and resizable)
  • Audio alert if the area you're in becomes unsafe or if you walk into an unsafe area (requires the Light to be enabled)


Type "/ot" in-game to see a list of slash commands.

Note: If you have the minimap rotation enabled, only the player arrow will be visible in config mode until you are near Oregorger's room.


  • Red = Danger, either the boss is rolling on that path or he could be about to pick that path
  • Yellow = Caution, not in immediate danger but consider moving out of it to prepare for his next crash
  • Green = Safe
  • Blue = End of Phase, where he ended the last roll phase will stay blue for 6 seconds

How It Works

There is no easy way for an addon to track the position of a boss so this synchronizes coordinates and some spell range checks from each player who is running the addon and uses them to calculate an estimate of where he is.

Disclaimer: Because the boss location has to be estimated, the addon will occasionally predict the wrong path. This is very rare though (happened 2 times out of 20 rolls in the example video above) and the addon should quickly correct itself.

Update: This should be improved in version 1.3


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