WoW oUF Ree addon Dragonflight/Wrath of the Lich King Classic 2024
wow addon oUF Ree

oUF Ree

Game Version: 7.3.0
Total Downloads: 651
Updated: Nov 20, 2017
Created: Nov 20, 2017
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Name Size Uploaded Game Version Downloads
oUF Ree release 795.70 KB Nov 20, 2017 7.3.0 651 download oUF Ree oUF Ree releaseDownload



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OVERVIEW Unit frames variation of oUF-sqw (this variation is for my other half).


Only functions with the included embedded version of oUF.


Supports : Player, Pet, Target, Target of Target, Focus, Focus Target, Pet, Party and Raid


Has built in fader so if out of combat and health at 100% frames are hidden, unless you have a target or mouse over frame.


INSTALLATION To install oUF Ree simply move or copy the oUF_Ree folder into your World of Warcraft/Interface/AddOns folder.


OPTIONS If you simply want to reposition/resize the frames and have little or no Lua experiance then it is recommended that you install oUF Movable Frames by haste.


However if you are experienced in Lua then alterations can be made within within the "cfg" file.


In addition to resizing/moving the frames, buffs/debuffs can be turned on/off as can the castbars and a host of other options.


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