WoW Party Ability Bars Reloaded addon Dragonflight/Wrath of the Lich King Classic 2025
wow addon Party Ability Bars Reloaded

Party Ability Bars Reloaded

Game Version: 6.2.4
Total Downloads: 9,764
Updated: May 13, 2016
Created: Mar 20, 2013
download Party Ability Bars ReloadedDownload Earlier Versions

Earlier Versions

Name Size Uploaded Game Version Downloads
v9 release 147.24 KB May 13, 2016 6.2.4 3,904 download Party Ability Bars Reloaded v9 releaseDownload
v7 release 147.28 KB Nov 29, 2014 6.0.3 2,236 download Party Ability Bars Reloaded v7 releaseDownload
v6 release 144.43 KB Oct 25, 2014 6.0.2 +1 376 download Party Ability Bars Reloaded v6 releaseDownload
v5 release 116.96 KB Oct 17, 2014 6.0.2 +1 188 download Party Ability Bars Reloaded v5 releaseDownload
v4 release 116.75 KB Jul 25, 2014 5.4.8 979 download Party Ability Bars Reloaded v4 releaseDownload
v3 release 116.74 KB Sep 18, 2013 5.4.0 1,765 download Party Ability Bars Reloaded v3 releaseDownload
Version 2 release 116.34 KB Sep 1, 2013 5.4.0 +1 198 download Party Ability Bars Reloaded Version 2 releaseDownload
Version 1 release 69.01 KB Aug 9, 2013 5.3.0 118 download Party Ability Bars Reloaded Version 1 releaseDownload



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  • Party Ability Bars Reloaded shows an unified view of major cooldowns of your team (and optionally the enemy team).
  • It is a remake from scratch of the original Party Ability Bars to support Mists of Pandaria.
  • It is currently being updated to move into the WoD era (6.0+ patch).
  • Link to the original AddOn for WotLK era


  • This AddOn is basically a huge cooldown simulator. It tries to guess the cooldown of the other guys by using whatever means are available: spec/talent/glyph/item inspection for friends, spec for arena enemies and maybe other tricks later (network / signature abilities detection etc.).
  • Test mode and lock mode to safely place the widgets before using them in a real situation.
  • Visible alerts when important offensive / defensive cooldowns are used.
  • Emphasis on your target's cooldowns amongst other cooldowns (can be disabled).
  • When used in battlefields, the AddOn will filter out cooldowns of players far away from you to avoid display clutter.
  • You can view buff/debuff duration before showing the cooldown (i.e: how much time is left to the Druid's Berserk).
  • You can select when to enable the interface : arena, normal or rated battefields, party mode, raid mode, solo.
  • Almost forgot the most important feature : you can easily choose what spells you care about and create profiles for each of your characters. πŸ™‚
  • Feel free to use the huge spell list to get to know spells of classes you don't play. πŸ˜‰


  • The AddOn is in beta stage, some features are still unfinished, the engine is "almost" complete and some spells may not be simulated correctly. πŸ™‚
  • It's not an exact science (i.e: the mod can't tell in advance if the enemy Priest has PvP gloves equipped or not and so cooldowns displayed can be inaccurate).

Stuff not yet implemented

  • The huge ability pruning of WoD is in progress in the mod !


I am interested in the following feedback:

  • Ideas of alternative display modes of the cooldowns πŸ˜‰
  • Bugged spells (some spells aren't detected correctly yet, but I need to pinpoint them, testing all of 'em is just too much for 1 people)
  • Missed/superfluous "important" spells… I am not a PvP roxX0r so I may have flagged some spells as important when they should not or the opposite. πŸ™‚


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