WoW Pet Health Alerter addon Dragonflight/Wrath of the Lich King Classic 2025
wow addon Pet Health Alerter

Pet Health Alerter

Game Version: 6.1.0
Total Downloads: 10,178
Updated: May 21, 2015
Created: Nov 9, 2014
download Pet Health AlerterDownload Earlier Versions

Earlier Versions

Name Size Uploaded Game Version Downloads
!PHA-1.1 beta 76.79 KB May 21, 2015 6.1.0 8,247 download Pet Health Alerter !PHA-1.1 betaDownload
Pet Health Alerter beta 76.02 KB Nov 9, 2014 6.0.3 1,931 download Pet Health Alerter Pet Health Alerter betaDownload


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Pet Heath Alerter

As many player with pets probably realized by now, there is no way to know your pet's health is getting low unless you look at it. This addon hopes to resolve that difficulty!

What it Does

When your pet's health gets as low as 35%, you will be alerted with a sound and message on the screen. Future versions will allow you to modify the health limit required to set off the alert.

Having an Issue?

If you are having an issue with the addon, please file a ticket by clicking on the Tickets tab above. Please make sure to include all necessary information so we can reproduce the issue.


This addon is a fork of the Pet Health Warning System by nZone. This current version has been updated to work with Warlord of Draenor, and will continue to be updated.


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