WoW Player Stats addon Dragonflight/Wrath of the Lich King Classic 2025
wow addon Player Stats

Player Stats

Game Version: 7.0.3
Total Downloads: 173
Updated: Aug 27, 2016
Created: Aug 27, 2016
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Player Stats release 2.91 KB Aug 27, 2016 7.0.3 173 download Player Stats Player Stats releaseDownload


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Aggregates character data like /played time and gold values so you can keep track of stats across all your characters.


PlayerStats will track the data of any character you load. If you want to track time played on a character, you'll have to load into the game at least once with them.

/pst time – will show a breakdown and total of all time played
/pst gold – will show the total gold earned on the current realm
/pst help – will show a full list of commands

This is a pretty early build put together so we could answer the question "How much time have i spent in WoW". Updates are planned, and if you have any suggestions feel free to share them with me at aproctor – gmail. Or on Twitter @aproctor

This is a pretty early build put together so we could answer the question "How much time have i spent in WoW". Updates are planned, and if you have any suggestions feel free to share them with me at aproctor – gmail. Or on Twitter @aproctor

Or if you want to contribute directly you can clone the repo at


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