WoW RaidR addon Dragonflight/Wrath of the Lich King Classic 2024
wow addon RaidR


Game Version: 7.3.0
Total Downloads: 292
Updated: Dec 14, 2017
Created: Oct 18, 2017
download RaidRDownload Earlier Versions

Earlier Versions

Name Size Uploaded Game Version Downloads
RaidR v2 release 20.61 KB Dec 14, 2017 7.3.0 187 download RaidR RaidR v2 releaseDownload
RaidR v1 release 16.20 KB Oct 18, 2017 7.3.0 105 download RaidR RaidR v1 releaseDownload



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This addon isn't just a (hopefully) useful tool, it's also a school project that requires user feedback. Leaving a comment on your thoughts is extremely helpful!


RaidR is a simple addon that tracks your raid consumables for you. Gone are the days of forgetting to buy flasks until you get into the instance, or porting back to Dalaran to get your Seals while everyone else waits! 


When you first log in with RaidR installed, you will be prompted with a window to input the number of each consumable you want to make sure is in your bags before heading off to raid. At the end of this process, you can customize what days and times you raid and how long before raid you want reminders to start.


When raid night comes around, RaidR will scan your bags and let you know how many of each consumable you have and how many you need. This reminder will keep appearing every five minutes until raid time unless you turn it off, just to make sure you don't forget.


You can also have RaidR track your Seals of Broken Fate for the week and remind you about them when a consumable reminder appears. Finally, you can have RaidR notify you if you enter a raid with less than the number of consumables you wanted.


Both the config window and the reminder window can be opened at any time with slash commands, too.



  • Tracks custom quantities of Legion raid consumables
  • Sends reminders before raid to pick up anything you don't have
  • Optionally tracks weekly Seals of Broken Fate
  • Optionally sends a notification when entering a raid without the designated item quantities

Slash Commands

  • /raidr [help] - Shows available slash commands
  • /raidr config – Opens the interface options panel
  • /raidr scan – Manually calls a reminder window
  • /raidr notell – Disables notifications on entering raids without the designated item quantities 


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