WoW RetroSkullMinimap addon Dragonflight/Wrath of the Lich King Classic 2024
wow addon RetroSkullMinimap


Game Version: 7.0.3
Total Downloads: 720
Updated: Aug 6, 2016
Created: Aug 6, 2016
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Name Size Uploaded Game Version Downloads
RetroSkullMinimap release 150.72 KB Aug 6, 2016 7.0.3 720 download RetroSkullMinimap RetroSkullMinimap releaseDownload


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Legion pre-patch (and hopefully legion) has brought a lot of great or interesting changes. However there's one change that's the worst of them all, making the game nigh unplayable and shaking my faith that legion will be a serious step up from Warlords of Draenor: the minimap rare elite indicator (brought in for Mists of Panria Rare Elites) has changed from a sick skull to a shameful yellow star.

Fortunately, I spent most of a day both solving this hideous atrocity and making an addon to share with benevolence to the wider World of Warcraft community fixing this travesty.

For those wishing a technical explanation, there's confusingly two image atlases used for minimaps:
ObjectIcons can be overwritten in your Interface folder with a blp or a tga but it doesn't do anything. ObjectIconsAtlas is what the minimap uses but it cannot be overwritten. However the fix to this conundrum is this a single line of code:


So using this single line of code I made an addon and using images from google and significant help from this blizzard image library on github:
I recreated the ObjectIconsAtlas and placed the skull icon back in its rightful place.

You're welcome : )


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