WoW RunePack addon Dragonflight/Wrath of the Lich King Classic 2025
wow addon RunePack


Game Version: 8.2.5
Total Downloads: 15,793
Updated: Oct 13, 2019
Created: Nov 23, 2014
download RunePackDownload Earlier Versions

Earlier Versions

Name Size Uploaded Game Version Downloads
v2.4 release 42.88 KB Oct 13, 2019 8.2.5 953 download RunePack v2.4 releaseDownload
v2.3 release 41.99 KB Aug 12, 2018 8.0.1 2,691 download RunePack v2.3 releaseDownload
v2.2.2 release 42.93 KB Jul 23, 2016 7.0.3 12,149 download RunePack v2.2.2 releaseDownload



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This is a simple rune tracking mod heavily based on Rune Hero.

RunePack was originally created by Lane on WoW Interface, who has given me permission to take over maintenance.

When you use a rune it moves out to the left or right and fades then slowly moves back to the center when it is ready to use.
The idea is to always have one place to check for your runes. If the box is empty dump some runic power.

You should have close to one GCD left before your rune is ready when it crosses the border of the box.


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