WoW SayRandomQuote addon Dragonflight/Wrath of the Lich King Classic 2025
wow addon SayRandomQuote


Game Version: 7.0.3
Total Downloads: 3,560
Updated: Aug 24, 2016
Created: Jun 3, 2009
download SayRandomQuoteDownload Earlier Versions

Earlier Versions

Name Size Uploaded Game Version Downloads
SayRandomQuote-7.0b release 4.46 KB Aug 24, 2016 7.0.3 910 download SayRandomQuote SayRandomQuote-7.0b releaseDownload
SayRandomQuote-8.5b release 5.42 KB Jul 13, 2010 3.3.5 1,416 download SayRandomQuote SayRandomQuote-8.5b releaseDownload
SayRandomQuote-8.5 release 2.69 KB Jun 3, 2009 3.1.0 1,043 download SayRandomQuote SayRandomQuote-8.5 releaseDownload
SayRandomQuote 1.0 release 1014 Bytes Apr 3, 2008 2.0.1 191 download SayRandomQuote SayRandomQuote 1.0 releaseDownload


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If you have custom quotesets, please backup your files before updating. I'm still learning, and even though I improved some things like the smart chat channel selection, I still have not added the feature to keep from overwriting your old/custom quotesets when I update. I had to update to fix an issue with Curse only giving out the old outdated version, and this will reset your custom quotesets. You can copy and paste them back in below the "– Custom quotesets" line in the .lua file. I promise this is next on my list!


Have you ever wanted to have a list of random sayings to say in WoW, but don't want 10 different macros to say them? Need to congratulate your guildies, but don't want to always say the same old boring "Grats!"? Need a way to announce that you're rezzing someone, but don't want to say the same thing everytime and don't want a bloated addon that does more than what you need? SayRandomQuote could be for you! Simply create a set (or many sets) of random quotations or sayings and call them in-game with a simple slash command.


  • /srq – Says a random quote from the random quote list in your current chat. Current chat is determined in this order: Instance, Raid, Party, Say.
  • /srq [quotelist] – Says a random quote from the specified quote list in your current chat. Current chat is determined in this order: Instance, Raid, Party, Say.
  • /srq [quotelist] [channel] – Says a random quote from the specified quote list in the specified channel. Only default chat channels are supported at this time.


To use these in a macro, simply include the slash command before or after the item/spell in your macro. The speech will fire at the same time as the item/spell:

/srq rez
/cast Revive

Use cases

  • /srq grats – Say congratulations in your current chat. Great for guildies.
  • /srq pull – Announces that you're pulling your target in your group chat.
  • /srq rez – Announces that you're rezzing your target in your group chat.
  • /srq summon – Announces who you are currently summoning to your group chat.

Editing/adding quotesets and quotations


A few generic quotesets with some quotes are included in the addon, but creating your own is super easy. Simply open SayRandomQuote.lua in a plain text editor such as Notepad and create a new set as below:

srq_quotes["setname"] = {
  "Your quotation goes here.",
  "Another quotation.",
  "Make sure your lines end with commas after the end quotation mark.",


Likewise, if you just want to add a new quotation to an existing quoteset, simply open SayRandomQuote.lua in a plain text editor such as Notepad and add your quotation using the following format:


Don't forget the comma at the end of the line!


  • Currently only default chat channels are supported. Custom chat channels are coming soon(tm).
  • If you want to edit/add/remove quotations, you'll need to edit the LUA file. The ability to edit quotations in-game is on my list of things to potentially do maybe in the future probably.
  • No LDB support. If you don't know what this is, it's not a limitation for you. If you do, it's definitely on my todo list.

Bug reports

Please submit tickets via the AddonsWoW system or GitHub. I prefer GH but I check both. If you need immediate assistance, you can try me on Twitter at @xtoq or in-game as Mosrael at Hydraxis-US (Horde).


  • v7.0b (WoW version 7.0.3)

    • 202% smarter! – Now SRQ will choose a group channel to say your random stuff in by default. If you don't pass a channel with the slash command, SRQ will choose from default chat channels in this order: Instance, Raid, Party, Say.
    • 457% less confusing versioning! – Updated versioning system. Now major version number will follow the current WoW version number. I don't know why I didn't do it this way before.
    • 89% more generic! – Added more generic quotesets. This should make the addon pretty decent out of the box for most use cases.
    • ~969% wordier! – Updated the description page to be much more comprehensive.
    • 100% more Legion! – Updated TOC for Legion pre-patch.
  • v8.5 – Added the ability to set a channel in which to say your random quote. Currently supports only default channels, not custom channels.
  • v8.5b – ToC update.


  • Bleric, the original author of the addon. I have his/her permission to continue their work.
  • Moongaze, for helping me with the ability to say things in different channels.
  • Katzmew, for unknowingly encouraging me to get off my ass and update this thing.
  • Spydir, for being a trooper when I test this and other addons. Also for the feedback. <3


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