WoW SimpleSpellsteal addon Dragonflight/Wrath of the Lich King Classic 2025
wow addon SimpleSpellsteal


Game Version: 8.0.1
Total Downloads: 5,137
Updated: Aug 2, 2018
Created: Aug 2, 2018
download SimpleSpellstealDownload Earlier Versions

Earlier Versions

Name Size Uploaded Game Version Downloads
v1.0 release 3.75 KB Aug 2, 2018 8.0.1 5,137 download SimpleSpellsteal v1.0 releaseDownload


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This simple addon pops up a small frame with a list of stealable buffs on your current target,
it will only show up when the target is an enemy and has buffs you can steal.


It will also print in your main chatframe a link to the spell you stole in the format of 'You have stolen [spell] from <target>.'


There are only three commands.

/SS Announce – Toggles announcing to raid/party chat when you spellsteal something. Addon will detect which you are in, and announce appropriately. Defaults to OFF.
/SS Test – Shows the SS Frame with some fake buffs so you can position the window. 
/SS Lock – Toggles frame locking / unlocking.


Note: Hold right click to move frame.
Type "/ss test" to enable/disable the test frame so you can move it into placed out of combat.


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