A guild internal player search tool used to grab information about players like how long they are online today, what is their current equip, what role do they play in dungeons and which Heroic Instances are they saved to.
When you log in with the add-on for the first time, you get a configurable window. In the window you can enter the timeframes for each weekday at which you are available and some additional information.
The configuration can also be called up using the command /sdi. Per default, you are automatically reported as looking for group by the add-on.
With a checkbox in the configuration you can turn the default sign on off and with the command /sdiq you can manually sign off and on the dungeon search. To see which players have signed on through the add-on you can use the command /sdilfm.
A window then appears in which all registered players are listed with their role (DPS / Tank / Heal). The timeframes and additional information can be looked up in the window by mouseovering the players.
If you click on a player you can see their current equipment. On the right edge there is a /w button that can be used to whisper the respective player directly without having to type in their name.
Added Heroic ID display to Player Mouseover. It should show all Heroic Dungeon IDs the player has in the tooltip. (Not properly tested yet because there are no Heroic Dungeons for now :) )
Upcoming Changes:
-working on a feature to filter players by their Heroic IDs
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