WoW SuggestInvite addon Dragonflight/Wrath of the Lich King Classic 2024
wow addon SuggestInvite


Game Version: 1.13.7 +1
Total Downloads: 14
Updated: Jul 6, 2021
Created: Jul 6, 2021
download SuggestInviteDownload Earlier Versions

Earlier Versions

Name Size Uploaded Game Version Downloads
SuggestInvite V 1.03 release 1.92 KB Jul 6, 2021 1.13.7 +1 0 download SuggestInvite SuggestInvite V 1.03 releaseDownload
SuggestInvite V 1.02 release 1.78 KB Jul 6, 2021 1.13.7 +1 11 download SuggestInvite SuggestInvite V 1.02 releaseDownload



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This add-on is built to replicate the suggest invite feature in retail WoW. if you suggest invite a player and your party leader also has the add-on will create a pop up on their end to either invite the player or decline the player.

NOTE! Both the person suggesting to invite the third party and the party leader need to have the add-on installed for this to work!

Target someone and type /sug to suggest an invite to your party leader.

FUTURE PLANS! — you can type /sug <PlayerName> like /sug Egg will invite a player named Egg.


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