WoW TalentChanger addon Dragonflight/Wrath of the Lich King Classic 2025
wow addon TalentChanger


Game Version: 8.0.1
Total Downloads: 74
Updated: Jul 21, 2018
Created: Jul 21, 2018
download TalentChangerDownload Earlier Versions

Earlier Versions

Name Size Uploaded Game Version Downloads
TalentChanger beta 2.42 KB Jul 21, 2018 8.0.1 57 download TalentChanger TalentChanger betaDownload
TalentChanger alpha 2.41 KB Jul 21, 2018 8.0.1 17 download TalentChanger TalentChanger alphaDownload



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This is my first addon, and It's very noticeable by looking at it as it's very basic. However, I will continue to practice and improve on this addon until I find it finished. I got the inspiration for this addon from the weakaura CurrentSetup which are created by potato



To have a constant overview of your active talents, and you can quickly change them with a simple mouse click, it's a very basic addon.



click on the tier icon you wish to change.

shit+left mouse button will learn the next talent in the tier.

crtl+left mouse button will learn the previous talent in the tier.


/tc or /talentchanger  for help ingame


How to edit:

For now, you will have to manually go into the script and change a few values at the top.

after you have made changes, you will have to reloadui, in the game.





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