WoW Tanaan Jungle Stalker addon Dragonflight/Wrath of the Lich King Classic 2025
wow addon Tanaan Jungle Stalker

Tanaan Jungle Stalker

Game Version: 6.2.2
Total Downloads: 20,948
Updated: Sep 23, 2015
Created: Jul 21, 2015
download Tanaan Jungle StalkerDownload Earlier Versions

Earlier Versions

Name Size Uploaded Game Version Downloads
r60221 release 30.01 KB Sep 23, 2015 6.2.2 16,542 download Tanaan Jungle Stalker r60221 releaseDownload
r60220 release 25.23 KB Jul 27, 2015 6.2.0 4,322 download Tanaan Jungle Stalker r60220 releaseDownload
r60212 release 23.24 KB Jul 22, 2015 6.2.0 84 download Tanaan Jungle Stalker r60212 releaseDownload



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Draebow <> Silver Hand US <> Alliance

This page last updated: 22SEP2015

Requires the TomTom addon.

The TomTom addon will place markers on your map and give you an arrow pointing in the direction of the marker.
TomTom is widely used and stable. You can disable any TomTom features you find annoying.
Download TomTom @
(I would also recommend RareScanner @

Tanaan Jungle Stalker will assist you in finding the "Jungle Stalker" achievement rares in the Tanaan Jungle.

/tjs s

STALKER Rares. (60 light green names)
Mark TomTom waypoints for all of the rares remaining for your character's completion of the "Jungle Stalker" achievement (see below).
"Jungle Stalker rares respawn approximately every 30 minutes.
(/tjs s a will mark all 60 of these rares).
(/tjs s d will mark all of these rares that have not been killed today).
The achievements:
Exploration>Draenor> Jungle Hunter (25/60) or Exploration>Draenor> Jungle Stalker (all 60)


There are special groups of STALKER Rares:

/tjs p

PLAN Rares. (7 light brown names)
Marks all the rares that drop the quest tokens (for the new shipyard PLANS) for the quests you have not completed.
This includes the Savage Whale Shark, which is not "Jungle Stalker" rare, but a mini-raid boss which drops a quest token, but requires a large group.
(/tjs p a marks all these 6 rares and the Savage Whale Shark.)


/tjs f

FANG'RILA Rares. (4-7 light redish)
Marks all the rares that give +600 (without boosts) reputation with "The Saberstalker" faction.
This includesthe 3 summoned bosses when the weekly quest "Rumble in the Jungle" has not been completed for +3500 rep.
(/tjs p a marks all 6 rares and the Savage Whale Shark.)

The HELLBANE Achievement

/tjs h

HELLBANE Rares. (4 light blue names)
Marks all "Hellbane" achievement rares that have not been killed today.
(tjs h a – marks all 4 rares.)
Hellban rares are not part of the "Jungle Stalker" rares.

Hellbane rares have the chance to drop:
"Medallion of the Legion" – Reputation Token for +1000 (without boosts) to all Tanaan factions.
"Rattling Iron Cage" – Contains one of 3 mounts.

Respawn timer is 1 hour and each spawn is announced by one of the following zone wide emotes:
Vengeance => "Tyrant Velhari yells: Insects deserve to be crushed!"

Doomroller => "Siegemaster Mar'tak yells: Hah-ha! Trample their corpses!"

Deathtalon => "Shadow Lord Iskar yells: Behind the veil, all you find is death!"

Terrorfist => "Frogan yells: A massive gronnling is heading for Rangari Refuge! We are going to require some assistance!"


If you enter:
/tjs – a menu of these commands

/tjs stalker (/tjs s) Will mark all Jungle Stalker rares that you have not killed once for the achievement.
/tjs s day (/tjs s d) Will mark all Jungle Stalker rares that you have not killed today.
/tjs s all (/tjs s a) Will mark all 60 Jungle Stalker rares.

/tjs plan (/tjs p) – The addon will place waypoint markers to the seven mobs that drop ship yard plans.
Note: by DEFAULT The addon will only mark the rares that drop the quest items for the quests you have not completed.
Type /tjs p day (/tjs p d) to mark all ship rares that you have not killed today.
Type /tjs p all (/tjs p a) to mark all 7 ship rares.

/tjs plan (/tjs f) – The addon will place waypoint markers to Saberstalker rep rares.
Type /tjs p day (/tjs f d) to mark all Fang'rilla rares that you have not killed today.
Type /tjs p all (/tjs f a) to mark all Fang'rilla rares.

/tjs hellbane (/tjs h) – the addon will show all of the Hellbane rares you have not killed today.
/tjs h all (/tjs h a) will mark all 4 Hellbane rares.

/tjs all (/tjs a) Will mark all the rares that would be marked by /tjs s, /tjs p, /tjs h, /tjs f
/tjs a day (/tjs a d) Will mark all the rares that would be marked by /tjs s d, /tjs p d, /tjs h d, /tjs f d
/tjs a all (/tjs a a) Will mark all the rares that would be marked by /tjs s a, /tjs p a, /tjs h a, /tjs f a

Many rares are located in caves and are difficult to find.
MARKERS for the cave entrances will be created with the name "Cave Entrance" followed by the rare's name.
Markers for rares inside caves, when an entrance marker has been placed, will be labeled.
Once again, cave are often difficult to find by marker alone and it is helpful to refer to comments and videos on

If a rare requires summoning, it will be listed.
Go to and search for the Rare.
The proceedure should be listed in the comments tab.
There are direct links to videos and summoning procedures in the main Jungle Stalker Achievement comment page.

If a rare requires an Event to occur, it will be listed.
Go to and search for the Rare.
The event will be listed in the comments tab.
There are direct links to videos and events in the main Jungle Stalker Achievement comment page.

You can use the built in functions of TomTom for the deletion and managing the markers set by Tanaan Jungle Stalker.


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