WoW Taste The Naimbow addon Dragonflight/Wrath of the Lich King Classic 2024
wow addon Taste The Naimbow

Taste The Naimbow

Game Version: 10.0.2
Total Downloads: 6,699
Updated: Jan 22, 2023
Created: Sep 6, 2006
download Taste The NaimbowDownload Earlier Versions

Earlier Versions

Name Size Uploaded Game Version Downloads
Taste The Naimbow release 5.71 KB Jan 22, 2023 10.0.2 62 download Taste The Naimbow Taste The Naimbow releaseDownload
v7.2 release 5.70 KB Apr 5, 2020 8.3.0 261 download Taste The Naimbow v7.2 releaseDownload release 5.69 KB Aug 14, 2019 8.2.0 192 download Taste The Naimbow releaseDownload
v. 7.1 release 10.82 KB Jan 21, 2019 8.1.0 209 download Taste The Naimbow v. 7.1 releaseDownload
Version 7.0 release 5.10 KB Jul 17, 2018 8.0.1 251 download Taste The Naimbow Version 7.0 releaseDownload



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Taste The Naimbow originally part of Cosmos and Khaos has returned for round three! Dusted off like a discarded Blackrock Lager, bandaged back up with Silkweave, and tossed back into the water like a Midnight Salmon. 


Hate class colors? Hate that the bracket color doesn’t match the colors of the names? No problem, because with Taste The Naimbow the bracket color and name color will be the same!


This little addon gives more colorfulness to your chat panel. It colors the names in ALL chat channels based on a cache of the person’s name. This means that the color for the name will ALWAYS be the same.

HSV formula was used to come up with a color, they are all bright, vibrant colors.

The addon has no options and should work with all chat channels. Please inform me if it does not.

In addition, you can now make sure that you are messaging the correct person just by looking at your Chat frame! 


What doesn’t it do?? The Guild and Communities Panel Chat will still appear Class Colored. Taste The Naimbow uses cvar to turn off class colors so if you ever want to default back to Blizzards class colors you can either make a small change inside the lua file or use the console command. the lua does have instructions to set the class colors back to default.




Taste The Naimbow was originally inspired by  Elkano’s Colored Whispers in the year 2005-2006 and created by Guillotine in the year 2006. Fixed and maintained by Meeanda


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