WoW TBC Boople Chat Quies Pl0x&fy addon Dragonflight/Wrath of the Lich King Classic 2025
wow addon TBC Boople Chat Quies Pl0x&fy

TBC Boople Chat Quies Pl0x&fy

Game Version: 2.5.1
Total Downloads: 45
Updated: Jun 20, 2021
Created: Jun 13, 2021
download TBC Boople Chat Quies Pl0x&fyDownload Earlier Versions

Earlier Versions

Name Size Uploaded Game Version Downloads
BoopleSpam 1.13 release 1.77 KB Jun 20, 2021 2.5.1 0 download TBC Boople Chat Quies Pl0x&fy BoopleSpam 1.13 releaseDownload
Boople Spam 1.12 release 1.75 KB Jun 14, 2021 2.5.1 34 download TBC Boople Chat Quies Pl0x&fy Boople Spam 1.12 releaseDownload
Boople Spam 1.11 release 1.59 KB Jun 13, 2021 2.5.1 5 download TBC Boople Chat Quies Pl0x&fy Boople Spam 1.11 releaseDownload
Boople Spam 1.0 release 1.52 KB Jun 13, 2021 2.5.1 6 download TBC Boople Chat Quies Pl0x&fy Boople Spam 1.0 releaseDownload



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bliz cannut sehs do nut spams, ppls ten tiems will sehs /4 maek cummies pwehs


dis, maek suer msg ish uniq in glbl channuls in las 100 msgies, d’leets ovurwies. bewwy quies nao, bewwy haps, onwehs needs weeds fins 1nc in lfg 😀


sumtiems fins gits thwu bu’s. 


ullseh, wowinnurfaec bansmehs fer twies pos dis liek legit lieftiem ban cansu b’leefs? “cud nut weed” = liefban jfc


/boople – shew halps

/boople awfs – ‘fsu wna tuwn booplespam awfs k?

/boople ons  – ‘fsu wnts ons k?

/boople lwd  – ‘fsu wnac wat ah noms k?

/boople quies – ‘fsu wna nut c dat nemoer fank


ur whael cummies n amembwawst’ dwinksur milkies ^-^’


English translation by Fendifa:

Blizzard doesn’t say not to spam, so people will say ten times “channel four is looking for a group, come play” So, make sure the message is unique in global channels for the last 100 messages and delete it otherwise. This will make it much quieter, cleaner, and it’ll make me very happy. Only need to read things once in lfg 🙂 Sometimes messages get through, but.
WOWInterface bans me for trying to post this, like legit a lifetime ban, can you believe it? “Couldn’t read” = banned for life jfc You’re welcome and remember to drink your milk ^-^
/boople – Show help
/boople awfs – If you want to turn BoopleSpam off ok?
/boople ons – If you want to turn on ok?
/boople lwd – If you want to see hidden messages ok?
/boople quies – If you want to hide them again thank you


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