WoW Terminus addon Dragonflight/Wrath of the Lich King Classic 2025
wow addon Terminus


Game Version: 7.0.3
Total Downloads: 586
Updated: Sep 27, 2016
Created: Sep 25, 2016
download TerminusDownload Earlier Versions

Earlier Versions

Name Size Uploaded Game Version Downloads
Terminus v1.0.1 release 28.55 KB Sep 27, 2016 7.0.3 484 download Terminus Terminus v1.0.1 releaseDownload
Terminus v1.0 release 14.52 KB Sep 25, 2016 7.0.3 102 download Terminus Terminus v1.0 releaseDownload



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Since the beginning of World of Warcraft, when you level a skill (e.g. a profession – back in the day, there were weapon skills), you are notified with a plain message in your ChatFrame.
Terminus adds a more "appealing" way to enjoy leveling your professions. Very similar to Skyrim leveling UI, so if you played Elder Scrolls V, you will definitely found this addon familiar.

Also, to add more options to the game, you can be notified in particular levels, for example, every 5 levels. With this way, I hope to make the player more "immersed" to the game and forget a little about the current level, i.e. "Did that herb gave me a level up?".
No matter the option you set, you will always be notified when you level up, i.e. when you reach a new level (e.g. 75, 150, 225…).

A showcase of the addOn can be watched here:

How to use it:

  • Install like a regular addon.
  • By default, you will be notified every 5 levels. You can change this with the following command: /tms level X


The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim – for being a great game and for the idea.

Have fun.


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