WoW Troll The Bones (Roll The Bones Tracker) addon Dragonflight/Wrath of the Lich King Classic 2025
wow addon Troll The Bones (Roll The Bones Tracker)

Troll The Bones (Roll The Bones Tracker)

Game Version: 10.0.5
Total Downloads: 72,863
Updated: Jan 26, 2023
Created: Sep 29, 2016
download Troll The Bones (Roll The Bones Tracker)Download Earlier Versions

Earlier Versions

Name Size Uploaded Game Version Downloads
Troll The Bones 10.0.5 build 1 release 70.99 KB Jan 26, 2023 10.0.5 1,605 download Troll The Bones (Roll The Bones Tracker) Troll The Bones 10.0.5 build 1 releaseDownload
Troll The Bones 10.0.0 build 1 release 70.60 KB Nov 12, 2022 10.0.0 2,612 download Troll The Bones (Roll The Bones Tracker) Troll The Bones 10.0.0 build 1 releaseDownload
Troll The Bones 9.2.7 build 1 release 70.23 KB Sep 2, 2022 9.2.7 1,987 download Troll The Bones (Roll The Bones Tracker) Troll The Bones 9.2.7 build 1 releaseDownload
Troll The Bones 9.2.0 build 1 release 70.23 KB Mar 4, 2022 9.2.0 2,660 download Troll The Bones (Roll The Bones Tracker) Troll The Bones 9.2.0 build 1 releaseDownload
Troll The Bones 9.1.0 build 1 release 70.23 KB Aug 10, 2021 9.1.0 2,731 download Troll The Bones (Roll The Bones Tracker) Troll The Bones 9.1.0 build 1 releaseDownload
Troll The Bones 9.0.5 build 1 release 70.23 KB May 21, 2021 9.0.5 2,543 download Troll The Bones (Roll The Bones Tracker) Troll The Bones 9.0.5 build 1 releaseDownload
Troll The Bones 9.0.1 build 2 release 69.84 KB Oct 14, 2020 9.0.1 5,869 download Troll The Bones (Roll The Bones Tracker) Troll The Bones 9.0.1 build 2 releaseDownload
Troll The Bones 9.0.1 build 1 release 69.86 KB Oct 14, 2020 9.0.1 139 download Troll The Bones (Roll The Bones Tracker) Troll The Bones 9.0.1 build 1 releaseDownload
Troll The Bones 8.3.0 build 1 release 69.84 KB Jan 15, 2020 8.3.0 9,063 download Troll The Bones (Roll The Bones Tracker) Troll The Bones 8.3.0 build 1 releaseDownload
Troll The Bones 8.2.5 build 2 release 69.84 KB Dec 12, 2019 8.2.5 3,171 download Troll The Bones (Roll The Bones Tracker) Troll The Bones 8.2.5 build 2 releaseDownload
Troll The Bones 8.2.5 build 1 release 69.76 KB Sep 26, 2019 8.2.5 4,160 download Troll The Bones (Roll The Bones Tracker) Troll The Bones 8.2.5 build 1 releaseDownload
Troll The Bones 8.2.0 build 1 release 69.76 KB Jun 26, 2019 8.2.0 5,273 download Troll The Bones (Roll The Bones Tracker) Troll The Bones 8.2.0 build 1 releaseDownload
Troll The Bones 8.1.0 build 1 release 69.79 KB Dec 14, 2018 8.1.0 6,452 download Troll The Bones (Roll The Bones Tracker) Troll The Bones 8.1.0 build 1 releaseDownload
Troll The Bones 8.0.1 build 16 release 69.79 KB Nov 5, 2018 8.0.1 2,527 download Troll The Bones (Roll The Bones Tracker) Troll The Bones 8.0.1 build 16 releaseDownload
Troll The Bones 8.0.1 build 15 release 69.28 KB Nov 3, 2018 8.0.1 742 download Troll The Bones (Roll The Bones Tracker) Troll The Bones 8.0.1 build 15 releaseDownload
Troll The Bones 8.0.1 build 14 release 68.90 KB Sep 4, 2018 8.0.1 4,074 download Troll The Bones (Roll The Bones Tracker) Troll The Bones 8.0.1 build 14 releaseDownload
Troll The Bones 8.0.1 build 13 release 68.88 KB Jul 31, 2018 8.0.1 3,009 download Troll The Bones (Roll The Bones Tracker) Troll The Bones 8.0.1 build 13 releaseDownload
Troll The Bones 8.0.1 build 12 release 68.88 KB Jul 31, 2018 8.0.1 410 download Troll The Bones (Roll The Bones Tracker) Troll The Bones 8.0.1 build 12 releaseDownload
Troll The Bones 8.0.1 build 11 release 67.37 KB Jul 27, 2018 8.0.1 864 download Troll The Bones (Roll The Bones Tracker) Troll The Bones 8.0.1 build 11 releaseDownload
Troll The Bones 8.0.1 build 10 release 66.92 KB Jul 23, 2018 8.0.1 812 download Troll The Bones (Roll The Bones Tracker) Troll The Bones 8.0.1 build 10 releaseDownload
Troll The Bones 8.0.1 build 9 release 66.49 KB Jul 22, 2018 8.0.1 342 download Troll The Bones (Roll The Bones Tracker) Troll The Bones 8.0.1 build 9 releaseDownload
Troll The Bones 8.0.1 build 8 release 66.51 KB Jul 22, 2018 8.0.1 121 download Troll The Bones (Roll The Bones Tracker) Troll The Bones 8.0.1 build 8 releaseDownload
Troll The Bones 1.4.1 release 65.47 KB Jul 22, 2018 8.0.1 387 download Troll The Bones (Roll The Bones Tracker) Troll The Bones 1.4.1 releaseDownload
Troll The Bones 1.4 release 64.89 KB Jul 21, 2018 8.0.1 244 download Troll The Bones (Roll The Bones Tracker) Troll The Bones 1.4 releaseDownload
Troll The Bones 1.3.12 release 63.96 KB Jul 20, 2018 8.0.1 360 download Troll The Bones (Roll The Bones Tracker) Troll The Bones 1.3.12 releaseDownload
Troll The Bones 1.3.11 release 63.48 KB Jul 20, 2018 8.0.1 176 download Troll The Bones (Roll The Bones Tracker) Troll The Bones 1.3.11 releaseDownload
Troll The Bones 1.3.10 release 62.58 KB Jul 20, 2018 8.0.1 251 download Troll The Bones (Roll The Bones Tracker) Troll The Bones 1.3.10 releaseDownload
Troll The Bones 1.3.9 release 62.57 KB Jul 18, 2018 8.0.1 629 download Troll The Bones (Roll The Bones Tracker) Troll The Bones 1.3.9 releaseDownload
Troll The Bones 1.3.8 release 62.63 KB Jul 18, 2018 8.0.1 643 download Troll The Bones (Roll The Bones Tracker) Troll The Bones 1.3.8 releaseDownload
Troll The Bones 1.3.7 release 62.62 KB Aug 30, 2017 7.3.5 +2 2,113 download Troll The Bones (Roll The Bones Tracker) Troll The Bones 1.3.7 releaseDownload
Troll The Bones 1.3.6 release 62.62 KB Jul 25, 2017 7.2.5 836 download Troll The Bones (Roll The Bones Tracker) Troll The Bones 1.3.6 releaseDownload
Troll The Bones 1.3.5 release 61.83 KB Jul 8, 2017 7.2.5 530 download Troll The Bones (Roll The Bones Tracker) Troll The Bones 1.3.5 releaseDownload
Troll The Bones 1.3.4 release 61.82 KB Jul 8, 2017 7.2.5 183 download Troll The Bones (Roll The Bones Tracker) Troll The Bones 1.3.4 releaseDownload
Troll The Bones 1.3.3 release 61.81 KB Jul 5, 2017 7.2.5 255 download Troll The Bones (Roll The Bones Tracker) Troll The Bones 1.3.3 releaseDownload
Troll The Bones 1.3.2 release 61.07 KB Jun 14, 2017 7.2.5 520 download Troll The Bones (Roll The Bones Tracker) Troll The Bones 1.3.2 releaseDownload
Troll The Bones 1.3.1 release 69.18 KB May 22, 2017 7.2.5 +1 484 download Troll The Bones (Roll The Bones Tracker) Troll The Bones 1.3.1 releaseDownload
Troll The Bones 1.3 release 69.17 KB May 21, 2017 7.2.5 +1 145 download Troll The Bones (Roll The Bones Tracker) Troll The Bones 1.3 releaseDownload
Troll The Bones 1.2.2 release 67.72 KB Mar 29, 2017 7.2.0 605 download Troll The Bones (Roll The Bones Tracker) Troll The Bones 1.2.2 releaseDownload
Troll The Bones 1.2.1 release 67.72 KB Jan 31, 2017 7.1.5 645 download Troll The Bones (Roll The Bones Tracker) Troll The Bones 1.2.1 releaseDownload
Troll The Bones 1.2 release 67.66 KB Dec 9, 2016 7.1.0 598 download Troll The Bones (Roll The Bones Tracker) Troll The Bones 1.2 releaseDownload
Troll The Bones 1.1.3 release 65.83 KB Oct 27, 2016 7.1.0 536 download Troll The Bones (Roll The Bones Tracker) Troll The Bones 1.1.3 releaseDownload
Troll The Bones 1.1.2 release 65.70 KB Oct 26, 2016 7.1.0 347 download Troll The Bones (Roll The Bones Tracker) Troll The Bones 1.1.2 releaseDownload
Troll The Bones 1.1.1 release 65.70 KB Oct 9, 2016 7.0.3 503 download Troll The Bones (Roll The Bones Tracker) Troll The Bones 1.1.1 releaseDownload
Troll The Bones 1.1 release 65.69 KB Oct 5, 2016 7.0.3 303 download Troll The Bones (Roll The Bones Tracker) Troll The Bones 1.1 releaseDownload
Troll The Bones 1.0 release 1.97 KB Sep 29, 2016 7.0.3 394 download Troll The Bones (Roll The Bones Tracker) Troll The Bones 1.0 releaseDownload



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1 Troll The Bones

Were you ever struck by bad luck, rolling the bones like twelve times in a row to get more than one buff? Now you’ve got a tool to let everybody know how unlucky you are!
All statistics are saved account-wide between sessions. Type in /ttb to see most options.

See also Roll The Bones Statistics for a Roll The Bones statistics tracker.


2 Commands Telling Your Bad Luck

/ttb threshold <number>
Sets the number of single rolls you have to experience painfully before the addon starts yelling. For example, set this to 3 via /ttb threshold 3 and the addon will send out a message if you receive two or more buffs and rolled three or more times for this to happen.

Standard: 5

/ttb finally <text>
The message to yell into the world after ending a bad luck streak of single buff rolls.
{n} represents the amount of rerolls you needed to get two or more buffs.

Standard: I was just trolled by the bones {n} times.

/ttb record
Outputs your reroll record of not getting two buffs and your longest dry spell of not getting all five buffs.

/ttb ham <text>
The message to yell into the world if you roll all five buffs.
{n} represents the amount of rolls you did between your last destruction mode and this one.

Standard: I rolled ’em all. Pulling Azeroth NOW!

/ttb lastfive
Outputs the number of rolls you did since your last ham mode. This number can be accessed via {n} in the /ttb ham message. It also shows the date of your last five roll.

/ttb playsound true/false
Whether to play a short sound (“one” to “five”) after gaining bones buffs.

Standard: false

/ttb leeroy true/false
Find out for yourself! Not affected by playsound.

Standard: false.


3 Commands Helping Your Buff Management

3.1 Textbox Output

/ttb textboxmode true/false

When in combat, this option displays a little textbox showing the six buffs line by line. If you have Roll The Bones up, the active buffs are shown in green color. The others are a bit transparent. This is an alternative for the icon output.

/ttb textbox pin/unpin

Pinning the textbox makes it always visible, even after you leave combat and all buffs run out.

/ttb textbox lock/unlock

After showing the textbox with /ttb textbox pin you can use this command (with the parameter unlock) to make it movable. lock activates the ability to click through the textbox again.

/ttb textboxbackground true/false

This shows or hides the black, transparent background on the text box frame.

3.2 Icon Output

/ttb iconmode true/false

When in combat, this will display a bar with icons for your six buffs showing which are active. The WoW cooldown animation is placed on them so you can see how long they are still running.

/ttb icons pin/unpin

Pinning the icons makes the icon bar always visible, even after you leave combat and all buffs run out.

/ttb icons lock/unlock

After showing the icons with /ttb icons pin you can use this command (with the parameter unlock) to make them movable. lock activates the ability to click through the icons again.

/ttb iconscaling [0.5 – 2]

Changes the size of the icons in icon mode. The standard is 1.0 which is equivalent to an icon size of 40×40. So changing this to 0.5 will result in 20×20 icons, 2.0 will result in 80×80 icons.

/ttb iconbackground true/false

This shows or hides the black, transparent background on the icon frames.

/ttb icondir h/v

Changes the orientation of the icon bar to horizontal (h) or vertical (v).


4 Other Commands

/ttb output <channel>

This will let you choose your desired output channel for the addon’s messages. Currently there are two messages available: For ending a bad luck streak and for having a five buff roll. Your options here are none, say, yell, guild, party and raid.

/ttb resetpos

This command will reset the text and icon frames to the center of the screen. Useful if they got lost somehow.

/ttb center h/v

This centers the text and icon frames horizontally (h) or vertically (v) on the screen. You can also right click on the individual frames to center them horizontally and ctrl right click on them to center them vertically. The frames have to be unlocked.

/ttb reset

Resets statistics.


5 In The Future

  • Support multiple languages.
  • Rethink the roll advisor.
  • Add a bar display mode.
  • New mode: Only show buffs which are running.
  • Group the /ttb options menu. It’s starting to fill.


6 Plans On A Roll Advisor

I thought a long time about a roll advisor and came up with the following thoughts.
Determining which rolls you should keep and when you should reroll depends on some criterias:

  • Which legendaries are equipped? Especially the bracers and the shoulders have a huge impact on your rerolling strategy, combined even more.
  • When does the fight end? Can I immediately continue fighting afterwards?
  • Which and how many buffs did I roll?
  • Is Adrenaline Rush/Curse of the Dreadblades up?
  • How is the fight structured (damage+ phases, immunity phases, add cleave…)?

A few examples:

  • During Adrenaline Rush the value of True Bearing (cooldown reduce) is high, even higher with Dreadblades up and with the right legendaries equipped.
  • During your Dreadblades a double buff of Jolly Roger and Broadsides (chance for an extra Saber Slash/extra combo point) is almost useless because they are both combo point related and the Dreadblades give you max combo points anyway. So having both of these buffs up during the Dreadblades is like fighting without a buff.
  • Having your shoulder legendary buff up (+100% crit) makes Shark infested Waters (+25% crit) useless, at least for those six seconds. But if at the same time your cooldowns are running
    and Shark Infested Waters is lasting long enough you should probably keep the buff until your cooldowns run out and reroll after. But you probably won’t reroll if the remaining boss fight length is only 10 seconds.

There are so many different situations in which the different buffs have completely different values that the result of a reroll advisor will probably never be satisfying.
In addition to that many of those situations cannot be taken into account because they are not visible to the addon, such as the remaining length of the boss fight or general mythic+ instance, actions to come (how long until the next trash pack, immune phases in boss fights like in Vault of the Wardens).
You wouldn’t be able to completely rely on the addon, in some cases it would give the right advice, in most cases it wouldn’t.


7 Known Bugs/Oddities

Nothing here at the moment.


8 Contact

If you stumble across any error messages or would like to have a new feature, write a comment here, ingame to Armak-Frostwolf (EU) or via Michi#2174.


9 Changelog History

v10.0.5 build 1 (Jan 26, 2023)

  • Updated for patch 10.0.5.

v10.0.0 build 1 (Nov 12, 2022)

  • Getting ready for Dragonflight!
  • The config menu was fixed and should do its work again. Due to the removal of the cancel button in the addon control panel, the changes you make in the GUI (/ttb) are effective immediately. You can also manually set configuration settings, e. g. via /ttb icons pin while having the GUI opened and you’ll see the checkbox being ticked automatically.

v9.2.0 build 1 (Mar 4, 2022)

  • Updated for patch 9.2.0.

v9.1.0 build 1 (Aug 10, 2021)

  • Updated for patch 9.1.0.

v9.0.5 build 1 (May 21, 2021)

  • Updated for patch 9.0.5.
  • Fixed an issue where the buffs received by ‘Count The Odds’ sometimes counted as rolled buffs.
  • Added an RTB cooldown bar to the icons. This is currently only displayed when the icon background is shown. Check your /ttb settings.

v9.0.1 build 2 (Oct 14, 2020)

  • Removed debug outputs.

v9.0.1 build 1 (Oct 14, 2020)

  • Some quick fixes to achieve compatibility with patch 9.0.1.

v8.3.0 build 1 (Jan 15, 2020)

  • Updated for patch 8.3.0.

v8.2.5 build 2 (Dec 12, 2019)

  • Saying and yelling outside of instanced content does not cause LUA errors any more. This means that being outside and setting the output channel to either say or yell does not do anything. Inside instances everything is as it always was.

v8.2.5 build 1 (Sep 26, 2019)

  • Updated for patch 8.2.5.

v8.2.0 build 1 (Jun 26, 2019)

  • Updated for patch 8.2.0.

v8.1.0 build 1 (Dec 14, 2018)

  • Updated for patch 8.1.0.

v8.0.1 build 16 (Nov 05, 2018)

  • Introducing a new “philosophy”: The addon is now partially loaded on other classes and specs than Outlaw. You can type all commands and also access the GUI configuration via /ttb. The event listeners that watch for a Roll The Bones cast are not active, though. But if you seek for maximum tidiness and performance, you should disable the addon on every class except Rogue anyway.
  • Due to this change, there is no longer a LUA error showing up when you are on another class than Rogue and open the interface menu.
  • Turning on the icon mode during a fight now correctly shows the cooldown timer and animation without having to do a roll first.
  • The text box and the icon bar now always show during /ttb to preview the changes you make.
  • Disabling the icon mode/text box mode while the corresponding frames are pinned (i.e. always shown) now results in the frames resetting correctly. Before, they still showed the active buffs until reloading the UI.

v8.0.1 build 15 (Nov 03, 2018)

  • You can now center the frames by right clicking (horizontal) or ctrl right clicking them (vertical). The frames have to be unlocked for this.
  • Battlegrounds/Timewalking instances now work out of the box (you don’t have to /reload anymore to make the addon work in those instanced surroundings).
  • The date of your last five roll is saved and output to the chat frame (only visible to you) when you roll ’em all. It is also included in /ttb lastfive.
  • New command: /ttb reset to reset all statistics.
  • A few minor improvements.

v8.0.1 build 14 (Sep 05, 2018)

  • The addon should not interfere with other addons anymore.
  • Switching specialization and talents should go without any errors now.

v8.0.1 build 13 (Jul 31, 2018)

  • Fixed a bug in the command line interface (/ttb <command>). Some commands did not get executed properly and changed other settings instead.

v8.0.1 build 12 (Jul 31, 2018)

  • You can now order the buffs the way you want to. To do so, open the configuration GUI via /ttb. You’ll see a list of the six buffs on the right side of the menu. You can left click a buff to move it upwards. Right click on it to move it downwards. You’ll immediately see your changes. If you hit ‘Cancel’ though, they will get reverted.
  • Automatically showing the icon bar and text box during configuration should now work properly and not mess up your settings for pin icons or pin text box in some cases.
  • Major code improvements.

v8.0.1 build 11 (Jul 27, 2018)

  • The beautification of the text box has begun! I’ll add more features to it in the next versions, to make it so nice you can actually show it to your friends 🙂
  • Added the possibility to hide/show the background of the text box via /ttb GUI or CLI: /ttb textboxbackground true/false
  • “Renamed” textbox to text box in the GUI (not in the commands).
  • ALT + Y (hide all UI elements) now correctly hides the text box.
  • Minor improvements under the hood.

v8.0.1 build 10 (Jul 23, 2018)

  • Adapted the buff order to the current meta, following
  • The icon bar is now always shown during /ttb to make customisation easier.
  • Added a /ttb help output.

v8.0.1 build 9 (Jul 23, 2018)

  • Switching to other specs now correctly disables the addon’s functionality. Switching back to Outlaw makes everything run again!

v8.0.1 build 8 (Jul 22, 2018)

  • I completely rewrote the addon’s buff tracking engine. The T21 bonus should get displayed fine now. I did extensive testing, but there might still be hidden bugs. It is intentional, that when rerolling with a T21 extra buff active, this buff won’t count towards any statistics of the addon. It’s solely regarded as a bonus! So a Roll The Bones usage resulting in 4 buffs (2 rolled buffs + 2 extra T21 buffs) results in the audio file “two” played.
    With the rewrite I can react much faster to RTB changes in the future.
  • The engine rewrite also leads to the pleasure of retroactive buff tracking. When you do a /reload while RTB buffs are running, they will now be shown.
  • Removed the show and hide commands for icons and textbox. Use pin and unpin instead.
  • Pinning/unpinning a frame now shows/hides the frames accordingly after changing the settings via console or the GUI.
  • The textual buff output will now always be filled with the buff’s names, even if no buffs are up. Textbox mode has to be turned on, though.
  • I removed the fading animations of the frames due to testing. They will be back in a future version.
  • Five heavy addon developing days have passed and now the addon should be perfectly ready for BFA. Let me know if you’ve got some more ideas or encountered any bugs. Until BFA I’m not planning on doing any major updates. I will continue testing and using it extensively and fix any occuring bugs.
  • The project switched to a different release naming. From now on it’s always WoW’s current version + the build number of TTB.

v1.4.1 (Jul 22, 2018)

  • Renamed a few /ttb commands for better consistency:
    • showicons is now icons show
    • hideicons is now icons hide
    • lockicons is now icons lock
    • unlockicons is now icons unlock
    • Same goes for the textbox commands
  • Fixed the buggy icon display right after login. This was caused by the addon getting initialized twice.
  • /ttb icons show/hide and /ttb textbox show/hide now only show/hide the frames, this does not change any settings or behaviour. See below for the new commands replacing the old functionality.
  • Added commands /ttb icons pin/unpin and /ttb textbox pin/unpin to always show the frames.
  • Changed group in the output channel selection to party. Always mixing this up!
  • Added some missing textual feedback to the chat commands.
  • Frame (un)locking is now available in the GUI.
  • Several minor improvements/bugfixes.

v1.4 (Jul 21, 2018)

  • You can now switch the orientation of the icons between vertical and horizontal.
  • Changes to the icon bar are now previewed when adjusting sliders etc. from the /ttb menu. Remember to do a /ttb showicons before to see them out of combat.
  • You can now center the text and icon box horizontally and vertically (before: only horizontally) by typing /ttb center h and /ttb center v.
  • Centering of the text box was a bit off: fixed.

v1.3.12 (Jul 20, 2018)

  • Fixed an issue where in rare occasions the /ttb options *might* have been empty. This is probably related to the issues of some people who stated their addon settings got reset.
  • The icon box now preview-scales while adjusting the slider in the settings.
  • You can now show or hide the background of the icon box.

v1.3.11 (Jul 20, 2018)

  • The text box and the icons are now shown after login/reload, if showtextbox or showicons were previously enabled.
  • You can now scale the size of the icons from 0.5 to 2.0 (default is 1).

v1.3.10 (Jul 20, 2018)

  • The cooldown numbers of the icon mode should not overlap the world map (and other UI elements) any more.

v1.3.9 (Jul 18, 2018)

  • Should now work again; adapted to the latest API changes. Please let me know if you’ve got problems with saving your settings between sessions.

v1.3.8 (Jul 18, 2018)

  • BFA prepatch day – yay!! Updated for patch 8.0.1.

v1.3.7 (Aug 30, 2017)

  • Updated for patch 7.3.0.

v1.3.6 (Jul 25, 2017)

  • Fixed an issue that could cause the Addon Control Panel not to be filled with data.
  • Fixed an issue where the frame’s positions got lost after reload.
  • Added an output channel option for TTB messages.
  • Text/icon frames will snap to the edges of the screen if they are dragged outside.
  • Added the command /ttb resetpos to get the icons and textual output to the center of the screen.
  • /ttb center centers the icons and textual output horizontally (for a better aligning).

v1.3.5 (Jul 8, 2017)

  • Fixed a Lua error on login caused by the latest version.
  • Hopefully fixed all respec issues. You can now switch between specs and the addon gets loaded/unloaded correctly.

v1.3.4 (Jul 8, 2017)

  • The Addon Control Panel (/ttb) should now always be populated with the correct values when you open it for the first time after starting the game/reloading.

v1.3.3 (Jul 5, 2017)

  • The last little display error with the German client regarding ‘Loaded Dice’ should be solved now.
  • The remaining duration of the buffs is now shown in icon mode.
  • The text box/icon box is now also shown when rolling out of combat.

v1.3.2 (Jun 14, 2017)

  • Possible rolls are now 1, 2 and 5.
  • The buff order was adapted to the current meta: True Bearing > Shark Infested Waters > Broadsides > Jolly Roger > Buried Treasure > Grand Melee.
  • The roll detection on German clients should now run smoothly again. Jolly Roger was not detected when the golden trait ‘Loaded Dice’ was active.
  • The icon box/text box now hides after leaving combat or after the buffs run out, whatever comes last.

v1.3.1 (May 22, 2017)

  • Fixed a bug in the GUI that caused the finally message to override the ham message.

v1.3 (May 22, 2017)

  • Fixed an issue with the German client, where the new golden trait (Loaded Dice in english) is named just like the Jolly Roger buff (Gezinkte Würfel). This led to showing and playing the sound of  wrong buff numbers (1 added) when rolling after using adrenaline rush.
  • Added graphic configuration. Type /ttb to get there.

v1.2.2 (Mar 29, 2017)

  • Updated for Patch 7.2.

v1.2.1 (Jan 31, 2017)

  • Fixed an issue that caused the icons and/or text box to show on other specializations than Outlaw.

v1.2 (Dec 9, 2016)

  • Fixed a little bug where only rolls between 6 buff rolls were counted. So it was possible to get a message like “I rolled all six buffs. I needed 0 rolls for that since my last destruction mode!”
  • Added two new buff display methods: Text and icons. See the project’s page on for details.

v1.1.3 (Oct 27, 2016)

  • Everything is saved between sessions now.
  • The number of rolls after the last six roll is tracked and can be included in the yell.

v1.1.2 (Oct 26, 2016)

  • Updated for Patch 7.1.

v1.1.1 (Oct 10, 2016)

  • Leeroy mode is not dependent on playsound any more.

v1.1 (Oct 6, 2016)

  • Fixed a Lua error on login.
  • Added sound files announcing the number of rolled buffs.
  • Added a record variable.

v1.0 (Sep 29, 2016)

  • Release version 1.0.


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