WoW World Quest Tracker Blocker addon Dragonflight/Wrath of the Lich King Classic 2025
wow addon World Quest Tracker Blocker

World Quest Tracker Blocker

Game Version: 8.0.1
Total Downloads: 1,474
Updated: Aug 29, 2018
Created: Aug 26, 2018
download World Quest Tracker BlockerDownload Earlier Versions

Earlier Versions

Name Size Uploaded Game Version Downloads
v1.0.1rev2-8.0.1 1300234 Aug 29, 2018 8.0.1 1,162 download World Quest Tracker Blocker v1.0.1rev2-8.0.1Download 1321206 Aug 27, 2018 8.0.1 260 download World Quest Tracker Blocker WorldQuestTrackerBlocker-v1.0-8.0.1.zipDownload


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Are you getting annoyed by whispers and invites from the World Quest Tracker addon?


This addon solves that problem. It will block [World Quest Tracker] whispers and blacklist the sender of the whisper. All subsequent whispers and invites from him/her will then be blocked for the duration of your play session. The addon blocks the whispers, cancels group invites, and blocks the system message that tells you that you have been invited to a group, so you won't even notice anyone tried to invite you using World Quest Tracker.


This approach still allows you to use the group finder tool, and join groups as you please as it only blocks invites from those spamming them out from WQT.





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