The best WoW Dragonflight/Wrath of the Lich King Classic addons 2024 for Battle Pets

Battle Pets

What is PetJournal_Teams PetJournal_Teams is a team management extension to the PetJournal. Features Saves team data...
download PetJournal TeamsDownload
Trapper's Sense allows you to see at a glance how many of a pet you own...
download Trapper’s SenseDownload
Overview StayWithMe is a simple addon that will attempt to keep specific companion/battlepet summoned at all times....
download Stay With MeDownload
Automatically heals your battle pets at any Stablemaster, and bypasses the confirmation text.
download Auto Pet HealsDownload
Petrace shows battle pet racials in a moveable and re-sizable image. I would use this until...
download PetraceDownload
Plays the night elf bell sound when it's your Battle Pet's turn, optimizing for accuracy while...
download PetturnsoundDownload
Pokemon Trainer NG: The Pet Battle Mod This is a fork of the original Pokemon Trainer,...
download Pokemon Trainer NG: The Pet Battle ModDownload
Preserves your current Companion. Because every time, if you change the first slot in the PetJournal,...
download PreserveMyCompanionDownload
If you’re wondering what battle pets you and another player have in common, simply say !compare...
download PetCompareDownload
PetBattleLogKeeper is an addon that is able to both save and display a full log of...
download PetBattleLogKeeperDownload