The best WoW Dragonflight/Wrath of the Lich King Classic addons 2024 for Mail


Enables the user to mail items to any character, based on the filters that were set...
download GrandMailDownload
** Guild bank now uses a queue system which works around the slow pace of deposting/withdrawing....
download Dumpster RebornDownload
Inbox full? Tired of searching through page after 7-item page for that one message? Extended Mail...
download Extended Mail UIDownload
Known issues: Appearance Collector may try to equip an already-collected item. —WardrobeTools is a simple World...
download WardrobeToolsDownload
Astral Mailer lets you quickly send large quantities of an item in game to a specific...
download Astral MailerDownload
Automatically loots everything the postmaster has sent you.
download ThxPostmasterDownload
About Mail Sanctuary is a small addon designed to solve a bug that exists in WoW...
download Mail SanctuaryDownload
Inbox full? Tired of searching through page after 7-item page for that one message? Extended Mail...
download Extended Mail UI – Fixed for DragonflightDownload
I have loved using this, to manage gold on my 18 alts.  Adds a send gold...
download GoldBankerNewDownload
SalesTools SalesTools is a light-weight all-in-one package of helpful tools and quality of life features for...
download SalesToolsDownload