The best WoW Dragonflight/Wrath of the Lich King Classic addons 2024 for Plugins


This addon allows you to keep track and save changes to your current Equipment Set without...
download Update Equipment SetDownload
This is a LDB addon that keeps track of how much cloth and bolts of cloth,...
download Broker_ClothDownload
This plugin is for use with an MMO mouse to set spells on buttons 6 –...
download HealBot Classic Plugin ExtraButtonsDownload
Broker addon to display your raidbuffs in the x/9 format and a list of active and...
download Broker_RaidBuffsDownload
Broker_MuteSound Mutes/unmutes sound. It’s LDB plugin, so it’s simple.
download Broker_MuteSoundDownload
Bag Ends is a light-weight inventory and bank bag status display which provides a quick, glanceable...
download Bag EndsDownload
Voice Server Print Welcome to Voice Server Print, this Addon allows you to Link your Voice...
download VoiceServerPrintDownload
This little addon is just a plugin for AdiBags, only adding three new automatic filters: –...
download AdiBags – Anima & Conduits & Korthian RelicsDownload
Debug tool for LibWho-2.0. Left-Click toggles WhoLib debug mode. Right-Click resets WhoLib.
download Broker_WhoLibDownload
gmMoney A very simple LDB money display. It shows in a broker display compatible the actual...
download gmMoneyDownload