The best WoW Dragonflight/Wrath of the Lich King Classic addons 2024 for PvP


Just does the same like NCATeamRating before 5.4. Since there are no longer arenateams it pronounce...
download Sanukiz MMRDownload
jButtonFlash This simple AddOn adds an animation to pressed button on the action bar. Inspired by...
download jButtonFlashDownload
Automatically equip best possible ilvl for PVP by pressing one button.   This is very early...
download mOnArs PVPEquipManagerDownload
GodLike CrtiSounds is an addon that you can customize the ranges of your critical attacks and...
download Godlike CritSoundsDownload
CoolDownAlert 1.0 CoolDownAlert is an AddOn that will record the cast of any spell that is...
download CoolDownAlertDownload
The main goal of ShadowMeld is to help rogues, cats and all nelves react faster to...
download ShadowMeldDownload
When enabled (for either arena, battlegrounds, or epic battlegrounds), and the player enters that zone, this...
download Target Nearest Enemy Player in PVPDownload
Curious about how you are doing against a specific class? Want to know how you are...
download HitlistDownload
  Summary This is a simple addon that highlights the WoW window when a battleground is...
download Battleground Taskbar NotifierDownload
Enables Nameplates in PVP zones; disables otherwise.
download PVPZonePlatesDownload