Earlier Versions
Name | Size | Uploaded | Game Version | Downloads | |
Release v2.3.1 release | 22.53 KB | Feb 2, 2016 | 6.2.3 | 1,941 | Download |
Release v2.3 release | 22.48 KB | Nov 28, 2015 | 6.2.3 | 514 | Download |
Release v2.2.2 release | 22.45 KB | Sep 1, 2015 | 6.2.2 | 485 | Download |
Release v2.2.1 release | 22.38 KB | Aug 20, 2015 | 6.2.0 | 261 | Download |
Release v2.2 release | 22.19 KB | Aug 19, 2015 | 6.2.0 | 127 | Download |
Release v2.1 release | 24.88 KB | Jul 5, 2015 | 6.2.0 | 333 | Download |
Release v2.0.2 release | 24.17 KB | Jul 5, 2015 | 6.2.0 | 49 | Download |
Release v2.0.1 release | 24.04 KB | Jul 5, 2015 | 6.2.0 | 60 | Download |
3000 Downloads?! Crow and Tom Servo would be so proud! The next goal is 4400.
Please share BetterTooltips with your guild mates and friends!
BetterTooltips is a lightweight attempt to add some really useful information to the standard Blizzard in-game tooltips, and was inspired by Blizzard's own in-game Game Menu Microbutton tooltip (the one with your latency, framerate, etc).
Version 2.3.1 is here (02/01/2016)!
New features and updates include:
- Updated the Character Tooltip with a WoD-specific currency section that automatically populates with your Warlords of Draenor currency (Apexis Crystals, Oil, Garrison Resources, Valor, etc.)
- Moved the three "tracked" currencies in their own section in the Character Tooltip
- Updated the Social Tooltip to better reflect the state of Battle.net and WoW friends
- Updated Spellbook & Abilities tooltip to include a breakout of native profession skill + bonuses
- Added a "Remote Guildies" section to the Guild Tooltip to track Mobile Armory and Battle.net App users
- Added a slash command framework – use /btt
- Added a slash command to hide the tooltip info during combat, if desired. Use /btt combat to toggle the feature
- Updated the included Ace library packages
- Updated function hooks to reflect any changes since 5.4 that may affect tooltip rendering and information
- Added conditional formatting and spacing to tooltips
- Changed a lot of backend stuff for eddeciency and bug fixes – see the Change Log in the main BetterTooltips.lua file or the Change Log (file page) on AddonsWoW for details.
BetterTooltips adds the following tooltip info:
- Social (O) Tooltip – The Social tooltip will now display the number of friends you have online, as well as the level (difficulty color coded), name (class color coded), and location (zone) of each of your friends. This list is split into Battle.net friends and local server friends (Note that Battle.net friends will show up in both lists, but will only be counted in the total number of friends online once).
- Character Info (C) Tooltip– The Character tooltip will have three new sections added to it, including a color-coded/aggerate-averaged durability percentage, your current money in gold/silver/copper, your Warlords of Draenor currencies, and your current tracked currencies with icon, name, and amount.
- Spellbook & Abilities (P) Tooltip– The Spellbook & Abilities tooltip now gives a summary of your professions, including both primary and all secondary professions, as well as your progress (skill points/maximum) in each. Profession and skill bonuses are shown as a suffix (+addition) to your native skill so you always know exactly where you stand.
- Guild (J) Tooltip – The Guild tooltip will now display the name of your guild and how many guildies are online, as well as the level (difficulty color-coded), name (class color-coded), and location (zone) of each of your guilds. It even identifies and lists guildies connected to guild chat via the WoW Mobile Armory App!
Commands and Interface
BetterTooltips has a single slash command: /betterTooltips combat or /btt combat. This command will toggle on and off the display of BetterTooltips info during combat. No need for a compliacted GUI or Interface screen just yet…
Your Job
Yes, you have a significant part in all this, too. While I really love the idea of retiring on micropayments and donations from writing addons, what I really want is your feedback. Bugs, comments, critiques, and suggestions. Keep 'em coming – anything I can do to make this addon better, let me know! It'll help me learn LUA programming and the WoW API better, and it'll get you a better addon!
And finally…
Thank you for trying BetterTooltips!
Maldarius of Arathor
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