WoW BloodSplatter addon Dragonflight/Wrath of the Lich King Classic 2025
wow addon BloodSplatter


Game Version: 6.2.4
Total Downloads: 4,224
Updated: Jun 19, 2016
Created: Aug 17, 2014
download BloodSplatterDownload Earlier Versions

Earlier Versions

Name Size Uploaded Game Version Downloads
Bloodsplatter release 1.17 MB Jun 19, 2016 6.2.4 2,008 download BloodSplatter Bloodsplatter releaseDownload
Bloodsplatter release 1.17 MB Nov 30, 2014 6.0.3 1,564 download BloodSplatter Bloodsplatter releaseDownload
Bloodsplatter release 1.10 MB Oct 18, 2014 6.0.2 302 download BloodSplatter Bloodsplatter releaseDownload
BloodSplatter release 1.10 MB Aug 17, 2014 5.4.8 350 download BloodSplatter BloodSplatter releaseDownload



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A video of the addon in action.

This Addon will keep track of your current health and when it passes a threshold It will do two things. The first thing it will do is start to play a heartbeat sound (controlled by the master volume slider). The less health you have the faster the heartbeat will get until you die. The second thing it will do is show one of five images of bloodsplatter across your view. The closer to death you are the more opaque it will be until your death.

/bsconfig will toggle a config window so you dont have to type in the crap below 😉

/blsphr <time in seconds> will change the rate at which your heart beat will be in seconds. Default is 2.5 seconds between beats at 100% health
/blspht <health percent> will change the point at which the addon will present itself. Default is 50%
/blsptx <1-5> will change between 5 different textures.

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