WoW Corote Loot Priority addon Dragonflight/Wrath of the Lich King Classic 2024
wow addon Corote Loot Priority

Corote Loot Priority

Game Version: 2.5.2
Total Downloads: 1,543
Updated: Sep 29, 2021
Created: Jun 26, 2021
download Corote Loot PriorityDownload Earlier Versions

Earlier Versions

Name Size Uploaded Game Version Downloads
Corote Loot Priority - v0.803 release 12.23 KB Sep 29, 2021 2.5.2 0 download Corote Loot Priority Corote Loot Priority - v0.803 releaseDownload
Corote Loot Priority v0.802 release 12.24 KB Sep 22, 2021 2.5.2 246 download Corote Loot Priority Corote Loot Priority v0.802 releaseDownload
Corote Loot Priority - v0.801 release 12.24 KB Sep 17, 2021 2.5.2 234 download Corote Loot Priority Corote Loot Priority - v0.801 releaseDownload
Corote Loot Priority - v0.800 release 12.24 KB Sep 9, 2021 2.5.2 274 download Corote Loot Priority Corote Loot Priority - v0.800 releaseDownload



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Mostra a prioridade dos itens de raid do TBC dentro da própria tooltip.


Este addon é útil apenas para os membros da Guilda Corote Fight Club – Mankrik, core Aoooba! ou outros Cores que usam a mesma lista de prioridade.


Ao aparecer a tooltip do item, uma linha em vermelho estará mostrando detalhadamente a ordem de prioridade do mesmo.

Essa funcionalidade facilita aos jogadores, evitando a necessidade de estar sempre com o arquivo da lista de prioridades aberta, permitindo ao ML uma reação mais rápida nas raids.




Shows raid items loot priority inside its own tooltips.


This addon is usefull only to Corote Fight Club – Mankrik guild members, Aoooba! Core or other Cores that use the same priority list.


When the item’s tooltip appears, a line in red will be showing its priority order in detail.

This feature makes it easier for players, avoiding the need to always have the priority list file open, allowing ML to react faster in raids.


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