WoW Dingy Iron Coins Calculator addon Dragonflight/Wrath of the Lich King Classic 2025
wow addon Dingy Iron Coins Calculator

Dingy Iron Coins Calculator

Game Version: 6.2.3
Total Downloads: 2,130
Updated: Dec 31, 2015
Created: Nov 20, 2015
download Dingy Iron Coins CalculatorDownload Earlier Versions

Earlier Versions

Name Size Uploaded Game Version Downloads
DingyIronCoins_TSL v1.1b050 release 32.75 KB Dec 31, 2015 6.2.3 1,502 download Dingy Iron Coins Calculator DingyIronCoins_TSL v1.1b050 releaseDownload
DingyIronCoins_TSL v1.1b045 release 31.15 KB Dec 11, 2015 6.2.3 178 download Dingy Iron Coins Calculator DingyIronCoins_TSL v1.1b045 releaseDownload
DingyIronCoins_TSL v1.1b040 release 30.73 KB Dec 1, 2015 6.2.3 113 download Dingy Iron Coins Calculator DingyIronCoins_TSL v1.1b040 releaseDownload
DingyIronCoins_TSL v1.1b035a release 23.51 KB Nov 28, 2015 6.2.3 94 download Dingy Iron Coins Calculator DingyIronCoins_TSL v1.1b035a releaseDownload
DingyIronCoins_TSL v1.1b030 release 22.56 KB Nov 27, 2015 6.2.3 60 download Dingy Iron Coins Calculator DingyIronCoins_TSL v1.1b030 releaseDownload
DingyIronCoins_TSL v1.1b025 release 21.24 KB Nov 21, 2015 6.2.3 112 download Dingy Iron Coins Calculator DingyIronCoins_TSL v1.1b025 releaseDownload
DingyIronCoins_TSL v1.1b020 release 20.69 KB Nov 20, 2015 6.2.3 71 download Dingy Iron Coins Calculator DingyIronCoins_TSL v1.1b020 releaseDownload



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Dingy Iron Coins Calculator:

This add-on shows you:
– The value of the converted Dingy Iron Coins (Curency)/Max you may have
– The item value you have Pick Poked from Draenor humanoids, in Dingy Iron Coins before Fenced
– The amount you need to collect yet to go for Max or to complete one of the 2 Quests
– Use the 'Secretive Whistle' Button in the Dingy Iron Coins Frame to call Griftah
– Shows on item tooltip in bag or bank the worth per item and total value you earn by turn in.(sins v1.1 b040)
– When item is a 'Pickpocketing' item and is not in my list then it will show up in the tooltips (sins v1.1 b045)

The 'Secretive Whistle' Button: You have the 'Secretive Whistle' item in your bag and you can use this to call Griftah, You have the 'Secretive Whistle' item, but its on your bank. Get it to your bag and you can use it.
When you see a timer with the red background, then you have (recently) used the item, and then you need to wait till its as picture 1 above You have deleted (maybe perhaps) the item 'Secretive Whistle'. Go pick pocked a humanoid in Dreanor agian, and then you have it back.

This add-on will showed and works only when playing a Rogue
This add-on will only show up when you ever earned a Dingy Iron Coin

Be-aware: (changed sins v1.1b035)
When this add-on shows the first time, the frame is not locked, you must move it to an other, for you, good
location on the screen. Whenever you logout the position will save, and the next time you login (or after
an reload) the frame will automatic in Locked Mode. Use '/dicc unlock' to unlock and move the frame.

Dingy Iron Coins Calculator commands: (Chat,Frame and Minimap Button)
read /dicc commands
(some commands being added and or removed or changed sins v1.1 b040)

Dingy Iron Coins Calculator Keyboard/Mouse Control: (removed)
Ctrl + Right Mouse Button : Hides the frame. Use '/dicc show' to unhidden it.
(read change log for more details)

When you use only '/dicc' the info screen will popup on page 3, to let you see what items you already have
collect, with pictures, name and the amount you have collected, and the total value of it in Ding Iron Coins
This add-on counts the items in your Bag and on you Bank (only thous that are in the Item list of the add-on)

For more information about and howto's for Dingy Iron Coins see:
or by video:

Known Issues:
– No Issues yet.
(all known issues will be fixed as soon as possible in the next version)


Kindly Regards
Earthen Ring (EU)


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