WoW GuildShield addon Dragonflight/Wrath of the Lich King Classic 2024
wow addon GuildShield


Game Version: 7.0.3
Total Downloads: 4,174
Updated: Sep 3, 2016
Created: Dec 31, 2011
download GuildShieldDownload Earlier Versions

Earlier Versions

Name Size Uploaded Game Version Downloads
1.3 release 1.43 KB Sep 3, 2016 7.0.3 1,335 download GuildShield 1.3 releaseDownload
GuildShield 1.2 release 1.44 KB Dec 25, 2012 5.1.0 1,732 download GuildShield GuildShield 1.2 releaseDownload
GuildShield 1.1 release 1.28 KB Sep 8, 2012 5.0.4 446 download GuildShield GuildShield 1.1 releaseDownload
GuildShield 1.0 release 1.24 KB Dec 31, 2011 4.3.0 661 download GuildShield GuildShield 1.0 releaseDownload


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AddOns you are protected against

  • SuperGuildInvite


All you have to do is to instal this AddOn and SuperGuildInvite (and hopefully more in the future) will not bother you at all.
As of september 9th 2012 I am not ready to release SGI 6.0, but once it hits everyone under 2000ms latency should be 100% protected against SuperGuildInvite.


If you wish to use this as part of your AddOn, and preventing spam as much as possible, do this:

  1. Put "GuildShield.lua" in your AddOns' folder and load it via the TOC file, before your own AddOn.
  2. Inside your own AddOn, run the function "GuildShield:Initiate(action)", either directly on loading or on login. Action is the function you wish to call when a player with GuildShield installed is found. (something like removing them from an invite list or simlar)
  3. When your AddOn finds a player that should be invited, run the function "GuildShield:IsShielded(player)". If the "player" has GuildShield installed, "action" (specified earlier) will be called. action will be called with the name of the player as argument:
  • action(name)


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