WoW HealComm addon Dragonflight/Wrath of the Lich King Classic 2024
wow addon HealComm


Game Version: 1.13.7 +1
Total Downloads: 0
Updated: May 13, 2021
Created: May 13, 2021
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HealComm release 166.42 KB May 13, 2021 1.13.7 +1 0 download HealComm HealComm releaseDownload


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This addon is a Fan Edit of the Heal Officer Classic addon by Tytus_ttv, which itself was based on SurgeonGeneral by Brimmstone.  However, this addon supports all versions of Classic WoW (Classic Era and The Burning Crusade Classic), fixes several outstanding bugs from the original, and adds several much-needed features.



Open by clicking the minimap button, or with /healcomm, /hc, or /heal



  • Includes Raid and Boss listings for all raid encounters in both Classic Era and The Burning Crusade Classic.
  • Addon is client aware. Raid and Boss information will only show for those encounters available to your client (so, TBCC raid information won’t show on a Classic Era server.)
  • Support up to three assignments per healer per encounter. These could be multiple phases, multiple responsibilities (Heal + Cleanse), or backup assignments.
  • In addition to the assignments, each encounter allows a free-form note that can be used to give encounter-specific instructions, or generic assignments (such as, “Everyone else, raidheal”).
  • All items can be saved per encounter, to use as a reference or template for future raids.
  • Assignments can be made outside of the raid prior to raid-time, and quickly edited once the raid is filled. (Some items will not work outside of a raid, however, such as auto-fill and broadcast.)
  • Auto-fill names of all healers in the raid (based on healing class: Druid, Paladin, Priest, Shaman). Names are compared to those already assigned, and missing healers can be auto-filled at any time.  No more struggling to figure out which healer you’ve missed!
  • Exclusion list of character names allows addon to ignore non-healers in healing classes (e.g., Retribution Paladins, Feral Druids, etc.). These names won’t be auto-filled, or counted as healers in the “number of healers in raid” report.
  • Broadcast assignments to raid or custom channel, or whisper to individual players.
  • Allows auto-response of assignment whenever a player whispers to you, starting with “Assign” or “Repeat”. (For example, “Assignment” or “Repeat, please.” would both work.)
  • Drag and Drop reordering of healer names.
  • Drag and Drop assignment by dynamic markers (Main Tank 1-5, Mark icon, etc.)
  • Class icons are displayed for healers in the raid, making it easy to spot assigned healers who are not in the raid.
  • DataBroker integration.





1.  Here, you see a list of the healers that have been assigned. Notice that a couple of them don’t have the class icons.  This means that they are not in the current raid, and are listed because this assignment was saved previously.  Thus, you can quickly know who needs to be replaced.

2.  Broadcast notes are broadcast directly after the assignments are broadcast. What’s more, if a healer who is not directly assigned whispers you an assignment request, you’ll automatically whisper back that they aren’t assigned, but may wish to look at the notes that were broadcast (in case of a generic assignment, like you see here).

3.  Auto Fill will automatically fill in any blank healer assignment fields with healers who are in the raid, but not already assigned. Remember that two healers shown here aren’t in the raid.  The easiest way to replace them is to delete their names, and hit Auto Fill.  Those blanks will fill in with other healers in the raid.  You may then drag-and-drop the class icons to reorder them or change assignments, if necessary.

4.  This field is a space-separated list of names that the addon will consider non-healers. These names will be ignored by Auto Fill and not counted in the “Number of healers in raid” report you get in the chat log when you press Auto Fill.  You may still manually assign a name listed here, and their assignment will be broadcast.

5.  These preset assignments may be may dragged into any assignment field. MT1-5 will pull directly from the Main Tank list in the raid, so you can use these as “self-correcting” tank assignments.  However, additional boxes will be added here with the actual names from the MT list, so you have that option as well.  So, between Auto Fill for the healers, and these draggable options for the tanks, you won’t have to deal with typing special characters that some names contain.

6.  Not numbered here, but Any blank field may be typed in directly, as well as cut/paste. So, you can manually type in “Tank Healers” as was done here, and copy/paste that to additional fields.  This allows for very customizable assignments.


If you find any bugs, or would like to request additional features, please comment.


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